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TdxLayoutSplitterItem.OnMoved Event

Allows you to track splitter movements.


property OnMoved: TdxLayoutSplitterItemMovedEvent read; write;


You can handle the OnMoved event to track the splitter position and dimensions of delimited layout items within the parent group.

VCL Layout Control: A Splitter and Delimited Layout Groups

Event Occurrence

The OnMoved event occurs every time the splitter changes its position. The OnMoved event may occur multiple times during a splitter drag operation.

Event Parameters

Provides access to the layout splitter that raised the movement event.
Allows you to access layout items delimited by the splitter and identify item boundaries before and after the OnMoved event.

Refer to the TdxLayoutSplitterItemMovedEvent procedural type description for detailed information on all parameters accessible within an OnMoved event handler.

Code Example: Track Splitter Movement

The following code example demonstrates an OnMoved event handler that displays names and sizes of layout items delimited by the currently dragged splitter in a horizontally arranged layout group:

procedure TMyForm.dxLayoutSplitterItem1Moved(
  Sender: TdxLayoutSplitterItem; AArgs: TdxLayoutSplitterItemMovedEventArgs);
  Caption := AArgs.NearItem.Name + ' Item Width: ' + IntToStr(AArgs.NewNearItemBounds.Width) + ' ' +
    AArgs.FarItem.Name + ' Item Width: ' + IntToStr(AArgs.NewFarItemBounds.Width);
See Also