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TdxGanttControlViewSheetOptions Members

Contains settings related to custom field management.


Name Description
Create(TPersistent) Initializes a new instance of the TdxGanttControlCustomOptions class with specified settings. Inherited from TdxGanttControlCustomOptions.


Name Description
AllowColumnDetailCustomization Specifies if a sheet column‘s pop-up menu can display the More... item. Inherited from TdxGanttControlSheetOptions.
AllowColumnHide Specifies if a user can hide a column via a drag and drop operation. Inherited from TdxGanttControlSheetOptions.
AllowColumnInsert Inherited from TdxGanttControlSheetOptions.
AllowColumnMove Specifies if a user can rearrange columns via a drag and drop operation. Inherited from TdxGanttControlSheetOptions.
AllowColumnRename Inherited from TdxGanttControlSheetOptions.
AllowColumnSize Specifies if a user can user can change a column width via a drag-and-drop operation. Inherited from TdxGanttControlSheetOptions.
AlwaysShowEditor Specifies if the focused cell’s in-place editor is active. Inherited from TdxGanttControlSheetOptions.
CellAutoHeight Specifies if a sheet cell changes its height to fit the content. Inherited from TdxGanttControlSheetOptions.
ChangedHandlers Inherited from TdxGanttControlCustomOptions.
ColumnQuickCustomization Manages the “Quick Column Customization” button visibility. Inherited from TdxGanttControlSheetOptions.
Columns Provides access to a sheet’s column collection. Inherited from TdxGanttControlSheetOptions.
Owner Inherited from TdxGanttControlCustomOptions.
RowHeaderWidth Specifies a row header width, in pixels. Inherited from TdxGanttControlSheetOptions.
RowHeight Specifies a row height, in pixels. Inherited from TdxGanttControlSheetOptions.
ScaleFactor Inherited from TdxGanttControlCustomOptions.


Name Description
AddExtendedAttributeColumn(string) Appends a custom field to a View sheet.
AddExtendedAttributeColumns Appends custom fields to a sheet column collection.
AddExtendedAttributeColumns(TdxGanttControlExtendedAttributeCFType) Appends custom fields of the specified type to a sheet column collection.
Assign(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
AssignTo(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
BeginUpdate Inherited from TdxGanttControlPersistent.
CancelUpdate Inherited from TdxGanttControlPersistent.
EndUpdate Inherited from TdxGanttControlPersistent.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetNamePath Inherited from TPersistent.
GetOwner Inherited from TPersistent.
QueryInterface(TGUID,Untyped) Inherited from TInterfacedPersistent.
Reset Inherited from TdxGanttControlPersistent.
RetrieveMissingExtendedAttributeColumns Creates custom fields omitted during a chart load operation.
ToString Inherited from TObject.


Name Description
OnBeforeEdit Allows you to forbid cell edit operations. Inherited from TdxGanttControlSheetOptions.
OnColumnCaptionChanged Inherited from TdxGanttControlSheetOptions.
OnColumnPositionChanged Allows you to respond to a column position change. Inherited from TdxGanttControlSheetOptions.
OnColumnSizeChanged Allows you to respond to a column resize. Inherited from TdxGanttControlSheetOptions.
OnColumnVisibilityChanged Inherited from TdxGanttControlSheetOptions.
OnColumnWordWrapChanged Inherited from TdxGanttControlSheetOptions.
OnEditValueChanged Allows you to respond to a cell value change. Inherited from TdxGanttControlSheetOptions.
OnFirstVisibleColumnIndexChanged Allows you to respond to a change of the first visible column in the sheet. Inherited from TdxGanttControlSheetOptions.
OnFirstVisibleRowIndexChanged Allows you to respond to a change of the first visible row in the sheet. Inherited from TdxGanttControlSheetOptions.
OnFocusedColumnIndexChanged Occurs after the focused column has been changed. Inherited from TdxGanttControlSheetOptions.
OnFocusedRowIndexChanged Occurs after the focused column has been changed. Inherited from TdxGanttControlSheetOptions.
OnGetStoredProperties Inherited from TdxGanttControlSheetOptions.
OnGetStoredPropertyValue Inherited from TdxGanttControlSheetOptions.
OnInitEdit Allows you to implement a custom response to in-place editor activation. Inherited from TdxGanttControlSheetOptions.
OnSetStoredPropertyValue Inherited from TdxGanttControlSheetOptions.
See Also