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TdxGanttControlSheetOptions.AlwaysShowEditor Property

Specifies if the focused cell’s in-place editor is active.


property AlwaysShowEditor: TdxDefaultBoolean read; write; default bDefault;

Property Value

Type Default
TdxDefaultBoolean bDefault


Use this property to switch the cell in-place editor between an active and inactive state.

Value Description
bFalse Cell editor is inactive. A user should press F2 to enable the in-place editor for the focused cell.
bTrue Cell editor is activated simultaneously with a cell click.
bDefault The control’s OptionsBehavior.AlwaysShowEditor property value defines if the focused cell’s in-place editor is active.

You can handle the OnInitEdit event to implement a custom response to the cell editor activation.

The AlwaysShowEditor property’s default value is bDefault.

See Also