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TdxWizardControlHandleChildControlKeyEvent Type

The procedural type of a keystroke event that occurs in a focused child control on a wizard page.


TdxWizardControlHandleChildControlKeyEvent = procedure(const Message: TCMChildKey; var AHandled: Boolean) of object;


Name Type
Message TCMChildKey
AHandled Boolean


The Message parameter provides access to a keystroke system message accepted by the focused child control on a wizard page. You can use the Message.Sender and Message.CharCode fields within a TdxWizardControlHandleChildControlEvent event handler to identify the focused child control that accepted a keystroke and the keystroke’s virtual key code, respectively.

Set the AHandled parameter to True to forbid a wizard control to process the Message keystroke message. Only the Message.Sender control handles the keystroke in this case.

A wizard control’s OnHandleChildControlKey event references the TdxWizardControlHandleChildControlEvent type.

See Also