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TdxCustomWizardControl.OnHandleChildControlKey Event

Enables you to respond to keystrokes that the focused child control accepts.


property OnHandleChildControlKey: TdxWizardControlHandleChildControlKeyEvent read; write;


This event occurs immediately after the focused child control on a wizard page processes a keystroke. You can handle this event to forbid the wizard control to respond to certain keystrokes while a specific child control on a wizard page has input focus. For instance, you can handle the event to allow a user to press the Enter, Esc, and Ctrl+A keystrokes to edit text in a memo editor on a wizard page, and avoid unintended navigation between wizard pages.

procedure TMyForm.dxWizardControl1HandleChildControlKey(Message: TCMChildKey; var AHandled: Boolean);
  AHandled := 
    (((Message.CharCode = VK_ESCAPE) or  // Checks if the Esc key is pressed
      (Message.CharCode = VK_RETURN) or  // Checks if the Enter key is pressed
     ((Message.CharCode = 65) and (ssCtrl in KeyboardStateToShiftState)) and  // Checks if the Ctrl+A key combination is pressed (the "A" key's virtual key code is 65)
      (Message.Sender is TcxCustomInnerMemo));  // Checks whether a memo on a wizard page accepts one of the three listed keystrokes

Refer to the TdxWizardControlHandleChildControlKeyEvent procedural type description for detailed information on all parameters accessible within an OnHandleChildControlKey event handler.


The OnHandleChildControlKey event does not occur if a keystroke message’s sender is a wizard control or one of its pages.

See Also