TdxChartXYSeriesBarValueLabels Methods
Stores value label appearance and behavior settings for an XY series with an active Bar View.
Name | Description |
_Add |
The reference counter increment function of the interfaced property set.
Inherited from Tcx |
_Release protected |
The reference counter decrement function of the interfaced property set.
Inherited from Tcx |
Assign |
Updates the persistent information from the specified source.
Inherited from Tcx |
Assign |
Inherited from TPersistent. |
Do |
Updates the persistent information container’s class-specific properties with the corresponding values obtained from another persistent information container.
Inherited from Tcx |
Equals |
Inherited from TObject. |
Get |
Inherited from TObject. |
Get |
Inherited from TPersistent. |
Get |
Returns the persistent object to which the current property set or persistent information container belongs.
Inherited from Tcx |
Query |
Provides access to the implementation of the specified interface if the current persistent property set or information container supports it.
Inherited from Tcx |
To |
Inherited from TObject. |
See Also