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cxExportTLToCSV(string,TcxCustomTreeList,Boolean,Boolean,Char,string,TObject,TEncoding) Method

Exports content of a tree list control to a file in CSV (comma-separated values) format.


procedure cxExportTLToCSV(const AFileName: string; ATreeList: TcxCustomTreeList; AExpand: Boolean = True; ASaveAll: Boolean = True; const ASeparator: Char = ','; const AFileExt: string = 'csv'; AHandler: TObject = nil; AEncoding: TEncoding = nil);


Name Type Description
AFileName string

The absolute or relative path to the resulting CSV file.

You can omit the file name extension because it is automatically updated from the AFileExt parameter value.

ATreeList TcxCustomTreeList

The source tree list control.

AExpand Boolean

Optional. Specifies if all source tree list nodes are expanded:

Default. The procedure exports all rows, including the rows hidden within collapsed tree list nodes.
The procedure exports only visible rows.
ASaveAll Boolean

Optional. Specifies if the procedure exports all available rows:

Default. The procedure exports all or only visible rows depending on the AExpand parameter value.
The procedure exports only selected rows.
ASeparator Char

Optional. Specifies the character used to delimit exported values in the resulting CSV stream. The default separator character is a comma.

AFileExt string

Optional. Specifies the file name extension for the resulting CSV file.

This parameter value always replaces the file name extension passed as a part of the AFileName parameter value.

AHandler TObject

Optional. Specifies a handler object that should implement the IcxExportBeforeSave and/or IcxExportProgress interfaces to allow you to perform specific actions before the beginning of an export operation and track its progress.


Refer to the following topic for detailed information on how to create and use handler objects:

How to: Track Data Export Progress

AEncoding TEncoding

Optional. Specifies the character encoding format of the resulting CSV stream.

If nil (in Delphi) or nullptr (in C++Builder) is passed as the AEncoding parameter (default), the procedure uses the TEncoding.Default encoding.


Call the cxExportTLToCSV procedure to export tree list content to a file in CSV format. In the resulting file, every plain text line of values separated by commas corresponds to a data record.

#Code Example: Export Tree List Content as CSV

VCL Tree List: Source Tree List Example

uses cxTLExportLink;
// ...
  cxExportTLToCSV('Departments.csv', cxDBTreeList);

VCL Tree List: Exported Tree List Data in CSV Format

See Also