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TcxCustomDateNavigator Events

The TcxCustomDateNavigator is the base class for classes that implement the standalone Date Navigator control in which the month(s) view is exposed.
Name Description
OnAlignInsertBefore Inherited from TWinControl.
OnAlignPosition Inherited from TWinControl.
OnCanResize Inherited from TControl.
OnClick Inherited from TControl.
OnConstrainedResize Inherited from TControl.
OnContextPopup Inherited from TControl.
OnCustomDrawBackground protected Fires before the Date Navigator control’s background is drawn.
OnCustomDrawContent protected Occurs before the Date Navigator month(s)’ calendar(s) is drawn.
OnCustomDrawDayCaption protected Fires before each caption of a day in the Date Navigator control is drawn.
OnCustomDrawDayNumber protected Occurs before a day in the Date Navigator control is drawn.
OnCustomDrawHeader protected Occurs before the Date Navigator control’s month(s) header is drawn.
OnDblClick Inherited from TControl.
OnDockDrop Inherited from TWinControl.
OnDockOver Inherited from TWinControl.
OnDragDrop Inherited from TControl.
OnDragOver Inherited from TControl.
OnEndDock Inherited from TControl.
OnEndDrag Inherited from TControl.
OnEnter Inherited from TWinControl.
OnExit Inherited from TWinControl.
OnFocusChanged protected Inherited from TcxControl.
OnGesture Inherited from TControl.
OnGetSiteInfo Inherited from TWinControl.
OnGlass Inherited from TcxContainer.
OnKeyDown Inherited from TWinControl.
OnKeyPress Inherited from TWinControl.
OnKeyUp Inherited from TWinControl.
OnMouseActivate Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseDown Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseEnter protected Occurs when the mouse pointer enters into the control. Inherited from TcxControl.
OnMouseLeave protected Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control. Inherited from TcxControl.
OnMouseMove Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseUp Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseWheel Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseWheelDown Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseWheelUp Inherited from TControl.
OnPeriodChanged protected Allows you to customize the behavior before a different period is shown in the Date Navigator control.
OnResize Inherited from TControl.
OnSelectionChanged protected Fires when a different date(s) is selected in the Date Navigator control.
OnShowDateHint protected
OnStartDock Inherited from TControl.
OnStartDrag Inherited from TControl.
OnUnDock Inherited from TWinControl.
See Also