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Obtaining And Setting Cell Values

  • 2 minutes to read

The ExpressVerticalGrid control displays data within cells. Each cell is uniquely identified by the row and record to which it belongs.

At runtime, end-users can easily navigate and edit cells. There are a number of options affecting the editing capabilities of the vertical grid:

All the above-mentioned options affect end-user editing capabilities. If editing is not available to the end-user, cell values still can be accessed and modified by code. Accessing cell values differs according to the vertical grid data loading mode.

Obtaining and Setting Values in Bound Mode

When working with a data-aware vertical grid (TcxDBVerticalGrid), cell values can be accessed using TField members. The following code changes the value of the focused row to the “New Value” string:

  AModelField: TField;
with cxDBVerticalGrid1 do
  if Assigned(FocusedRow) then
    with DataController do
//switching the grid's data controller to edit mode
//obtaining the TField instance for the edited row
      AModelField := DataSource.DataSet.FindField(TcxDBVerticalGridItemDataBinding(TcxEditorRow(FocusedRow).Properties.DataBinding).FieldName);
//specifying the new row value
      AModelField.AsString := 'New Value';
//posting changes to the dataset

Obtaining and Setting Values in Unbound Mode

When working in unbound mode (cxVerticalGrid), the cell values are available via the Row.Properties.Value property.

The following example replaces the focused cell value with the Text property value from a TEdit:

if Assigned(cxVerticalGrid1.FocusedRow) then
  TcxEditorRow(cxVerticalGrid1.FocusedRow).Properties.Value := Edit1.Text;