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Customization Form Overview

  • 2 minutes to read

The ExpressVerticalGrid provides facilities for customizing the rows layout. This is implemented via the Customization Form. This form is used to hide/show rows in the grid and to rearrange rows as required. When a row is hidden from the grid by moving it to the Customization Form, that row’s Visible property value is False and VisibleIndex property value is -1.

In order to start a customization session, the Customization Form must be made visible by setting the VerticalGrid.Customizing.Visible property to True. After the Customization Form appears on-screen, rows can be dragged to it:

The ExpressVerticalGrid Customization Form contains two pages: Rows and Categories, storing simple and multi editor rows and category rows. Rows appear within these pages in the same order as they appear within the grid control:

When category rows are moved to the Customization Form, their children are also moved to the Customization Form. The Categories page contains the New… and Delete buttons for creating and deleting category rows. The categories created are shown within the Customization Form and they can be dragged to the vertical grid control. Note: the children of the category rows are moved also.

Another reason for using the Customization Form is to rearrange rows within the vertical grid control. Layout customization is only enabled while the Customization Form is displayed.

To change the rows order, select the desired row and drag it to a new location within the grid control. Note how the mouse cursor is changed during drag:

  • the screenshot below shows the situation where the dragged row will be added as the child for the row located under the mouse cursor:

The Trademark row on the image will be positioned as a child of the Engine category row.

  • the following screenshot shows the case when the dragged row will be positioned at the same level as the row located under the mouse pointer:

The Trademark row on the picture will be positioned at the same level as the Car category, i.e. the CarInfo category row’s direct child.