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Member Table: Export Data

Member Description
cxExportPivotGridToCSV Exports the pivot grid’s data to a CSV (comma-separated values) file.
cxExportPivotGridToExcel Exports the pivot grid’s data to a file in Microsoft Excel 97-2003 format.
cxExportPivotGridToHTML Exports the pivot grid’s data to a file in HTML format.
cxExportPivotGridToText Exports the pivot grid’s data to a text file.
cxExportPivotGridToXLSX Exports the pivot grid’s data to a file in Microsoft Excel 2007 or later format.
cxExportPivotGridToXML Exports the pivot grid’s data to a file in XML format.
cxExportPivotGridToFile Exports the grid’s data into a file in a specified format (one of the above).
TcxCustomPivotGrid.OnLayoutChanged Enables you to track changes made to the pivot grid’s layout when exporting data.
See Also