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Customizing Popup Menu (at design time)

  • 5 minutes to read

A toolbar item’s customizing popup menu is context-sensitive. This means that a menu provides different menu items dependent upon a toolbar’s parent control.

For instance, if a toolbar is placed in a Ribbon Quick Access Toolbar container, then the menu contains the following options:

For a Ribbon Tab Group‘s bar item, the following menu items are provided:

If you right-click an item on a toolbar located on a form, a menu has the following view:

Right-click a gallery’s drop-down menu item to invoke its context menu:

The following table describes menu items:

Add SubItem

Creates a subitem, and places its item control to the right of the selected item control.

Add Button

Creates a button, and places its item control to the right of the selected item control.

Add LargeButton

Creates a large button, and places its item control to the right of the selected item control.

Add Item

Clicking this menu item displays the list of built-in toolbar items. Click the desired item to create it. The corresponding item control will be created and placed to the right of the selected item control.

Refer to the List of Bar Item Types topic for more information on available built-in bar items.

Add cxEditItem

Allows you to add an item with an in-place editor from the ExpressEditors Library. Clicking this menu item displays a list of in-place editors. Click the desired editor to create it. A TcxBarEditItem item control will be created and placed to the right of the selected item control.

Refer to the In-place Editors topic for additional information on available in-place editors.

When invoked for a particular toolbar item, the customizing popup menu can be used for customizing this item or its item controls. The following options are available in the popup menu.

Add GroupButton

Adds a button associated with Ribbon Tab Group to Ribbon Quick Access Toolbar.

Add Separator

Adds a separator to a subitem, in-place subitem, toolbar or Ribbon context menu.


Resets the caption, glyph, paint style, and width of the selected item control to defaults (resets all the option flags within the UserDefine property of the corresponding toolbar item link).


Removes all item controls of the selected item. You can access the item via the Commands Page of the Customization Form and add item controls to any toolbar via drag and drop.

Delete Item

Removes the item and all of its item controls.

You can remove all item controls of the selected toolbar item without removing the item. Use the Delete menu item for this purpose.

Delete Link

Removes the selected toolbar item control.

Select Link

Displays properties of an item link, which corresponds to the selected toolbar item control, in the Object Inspector.


Allows you to modify the selected item’s caption, and the caption of all the item controls of this item. This option corresponds to a toolbar item’s Caption property.


Allows you to lay out bar items in a toolbar (for details, see the bar item link’s Position property).


Allows you to specify the constraints of a bar item’s dynamic layout adaptation (for details, see the bar item link’s ViewLevels property, and the Ribbon Tab Group’s CanCollapse and Restriction properties).


Allows you to organize bar items into visual compact groups in Ribbon Tab Group (for details, see the bar item link’s ButtonGroup property).


If active, as is set by default, the selected item control and all item controls within a column are vertically distributed within this column. Otherwise, these item controls are aligned to a Ribbon Tab Group‘s top. Refer to an item link’s Distributed property description to learn more.

Paint style options correspond to the UserPaintStyle property of a toolbar item link. These options are enabled only when the item control is linked to a TdxBarButton. The selected item control is painted in the style that corresponds to the active option.

Default style

Sets the standard style for the selected item control (corresponds to the psStandard value of an item link’s UserPaintStyle property).

Text Only (Always)

The selected item control is only represented by text (corresponds to the psCaption value of an item link’s UserPaintStyle property).

Text Only (in Menus)

If the selected item control is located on a menu, it is represented only by text (corresponds to the psCaptionInMenu value of an item link’s UserPaintStyle property).

Image and Text

The selected item control is represented both by an image and text (corresponds to the psCaptionGlyph value of an item link’s UserPaintStyle property).

Begin a Group

If active, the selected item control follows a group separator. In traditional toolbars, this option is disabled for the first toolbar item, since it cannot follow a group separator. This option corresponds to the BeginGroup property of an item link. Use this option to organize bar items into groups.


If active as is set by default, the selected item control will be visible at runtime.

Most Recently Used

Determines whether the selected item control refers to the most recently used item controls. If this option is enabled, the selected item control is displayed at the top of a menu.


Specifies the selected item control’s position within the ribbon gallery‘s drop-down menu.

See Also