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BarCode Members

Represents a bar code for given data with the specified options.


Name Description
BarCode() Initializes a new instance of the BarCode class with the default settings.


Name Description
AutoSize Allows you to create an image in a size that fits all the specified bar code options.
BackColor Gets or sets the background color of a bar code image.
BarCodeImage Gets the bar code image.
BarHeight Gets or sets the height of bars in a bar code.
BorderColor Gets or sets the border color of the bar code image.
BorderWidth Specifies the border width of the bar code image.
BottomCaption Provides access to characteristics of the bar code bottom caption.
Code Get the processed code text actually shown in the bar code.
CodeBinaryData Gets or sets the byte array to be coded into certain bar code types.
CodeText Gets or sets the text to be coded using the bar code symbology.
CodeTextFont Specifies the font used to display the bar code text.
CodeTextHorizontalAlignment Get or sets the horizontal alignment of the bar code text within the bar code image.
CodeTextVerticalAlignment Get or sets the vertical alignment of the bar code text within the bar code image.
Dpi Gets or sets the dpi value used to render the bar code.
DpiX Gets or sets the dpi value for the X-coordinate used to render the bar code.
DpiY Gets or sets the dpi value for the Y-coordinate used to render the bar code.
ForeColor Gets or sets the color of bars in the bar code image.
ImageHeight Gets or sets the height of the bar code image.
ImageSize Gets or sets the size of the bar code image.
ImageWidth Gets or sets the width of the resulting image.
IsPrintingAvailable Indicates whether the bar code can be printed and exported to PDF.
Margins Provides access to margin widths set for a bar code image.
Module Gets or sets the width of the narrowest bar or space in the bar code.
Options Provides access to options specific for various bar code types.
Paddings Gets the padding settings of a bar code image.
RotationAngle Gets or sets the number of degrees the bar code is rotated around the z-axis.
ShowText Indicates whether the code text is shown.
Symbology Gets or sets the bar code type (symbology).
TextRenderingHint Gets or sets the bar code text rendering quality.
TopCaption Provides access to characteristics of the bar code top caption.
Unit Gets or sets the unit of measurement for bar code settings.


Name Description
Dispose() Resets the bar code image, disposes of the BarCode object and releases all the allocated resources.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
ExportToPdf(Stream) Exports the bar code to the specified stream in PDF format.
ExportToPdf(String) Exports the bar code image to the specified file path in PDF format.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
Print() Prints the barcode to the default printer.
Print(DXPrinterSettings) Prints the barcode with the specified print settings.
PrintDialog() Invokes a dialog that enables you to select a printer and change print settings.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
Save(Stream, DXImageFormat) Saves the barcode image to a stream in the specified format.
Save(String, DXImageFormat) Saves the barcode image to a file in the specified format.
ShowPrintPreview() Invokes a dialog that enables you to preview the printout, print or save it in PDF format, or as an image file.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
See Also