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BarCode.TextRenderingHint Property

Gets or sets the bar code text rendering quality.

Namespace: DevExpress.BarCodes

Assembly: DevExpress.Docs.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Document.Processor


public DXTextRenderingHint TextRenderingHint { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

An enumeration value that indicates the quality of text rendering.

Available values:

Name Description

A glyph bitmap with system default rendering hint is used to draw each character. The text is drawn using font-smoothing settings the user has selected for the system.


A glyph bitmap is used to draw each character. Hinting is used to improve character appearance on stems and curvatures.


A glyph bitmap is used to draw each character. Hinting is not used.


An antialiased glyph bitmap with hinting is used to draw each character. Much better quality due to antialiasing, but at a higher performance cost.


An antialiased glyph bitmap without hinting is used to draw each character. Better quality due to antialiasing. Stem width differences may be noticeable because hinting is turned off.


A glyph ClearType bitmap with hinting is used to draw each character. The highest quality setting. Used to take advantage of ClearType font features.


By default, a bar code text is drawn with the Anti-Alias text smoothing settings. You can manually change the text quality rendering using the TextRenderingHint property.

See Also