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Code128CharacterSet Enum

Lists character sets used in Code128 bar code symbology.

Namespace: DevExpress.BarCodes

Assembly: DevExpress.Docs.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Document.Processor


public enum Code128CharacterSet


Name Description

The “A” character set will be used for coding a bar code. It contains ASCII characters 00-95.


The “B” character set will be used for coding a bar code. It contains ASCII characters 32-127.


The “C” character set will be used for coding a bar code. It contains numeric digit pairs from 00 to 99. Each digit pair is coded with one code element, so you can provide 01 23 pairs for coding, but not 123.


The character set will be chosen automatically according to the text assigned to a bar code.

Related API Members

The following properties accept/return Code128CharacterSet values:

See Also