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BarCode.Paddings Property

Gets the padding settings of a bar code image.

Namespace: DevExpress.BarCodes

Assembly: DevExpress.Docs.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Document.Processor


public BarCodePadding Paddings { get; }

Property Value

Type Description

A BarCodePadding object that contains padding settings.


Paddings in a bar code image are considered to be the amount of space between the inner boundaries of the frame containing the bar code (use the BarCode.BorderWidth and the BarCode.BorderColor to display the frame borders) and the bar code itself.

If the BarCode.AutoSize is set to true, the Paddings and BarCode.Margins settings add white space to the image, increasing its dimensions. If the BarCode.AutoSize is set to false, the image size is fixed and only the Paddings settings are used.

Use the BarCodePadding.Left, BarCodePadding.Right, BarCodePadding.Top and BarCodePadding.Bottom properties to define paddings in the bar code image.

See Also