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ON Properties

A helper class that allows you to identify device parameters: operating system type, orientation, form factor, and device type (physical device or simulator).
Name Description
Android static Indicates whether the app is launched on a device running Android.
DefaultScreenExtraLargeThreshold static The default minimum size for devices with screens of the Extra Large size class.
DefaultScreenLargeThreshold static The default minimum size for devices with screens of the Large size class.
DefaultScreenMediumThreshold static The default minimum size for devices with screens of the Medium size class.
DefaultScreenSmallThreshold static The default minimum size for devices with screens of the Small size class.
iOS static Indicates whether the app is launched on a device running iOS.
Landscape static Indicates whether the app is displayed in the Landscape orientation.
Phone static Indicates whether the app is running on a phone.
Portrait static Indicates whether the app is displayed in the Portrait orientation.
Simulator static Indicates whether the app is running on a simulator/emulator.
Tablet static Indicates whether the app is running on a tablet.
See Also