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DevExpress Collection View for .NET MAUI

  • 2 minutes to read

The DevExpress Mobile UI for .NET MAUI suite contains the DXCollectionView component that allows you to display a collection of data items in a horizontal or vertical list.

Collection View

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Add a Collection View to a Page

  1. Download and install the DevExpress.Maui.CollectionView package from the DevExpress NuGet Gallery to obtain the DXCollectionView component. For more information on how to build your first .NET MAUI app, refer to the following help topic: Get Started.

  2. Declare the xmlns:dx="" XAML namespace in a page.

  3. Add a DXCollectionView instance to the page.

  4. To populate the CollectionView with data, use the DXCollectionView.ItemsSource property. For more information, refer to the following help topic: Bind to Data and Interact with Items.

<ContentPage ...
    <dx:DXCollectionView ItemsSource="{Binding Data}">

For a step-by-step guide on how to create a .NET MAUI app with the DXCollectionView control, refer to the following help topic: Get Started with DXCollectionView.

Collection View Elements (Anatomy)

The following figure shows basic elements of a DXCollectionView:

Collection View - Items

Group headers appear when you group CollectionView items. For more information, refer to the following help topic: Group Collection View Items.

Next Steps

Get Started with DXCollectionView
This step-by-step tutorial guides you through creating an app with a DXCollectionView.
Bind to Data and Interact with Items
Describes how to populate a DXCollectionView with items and work with items via their indexes.
Filter, Sort, and Group Data
This help topic explains how to shape Collection View item data, and includes a list of filter items you can use to compose a Filtering UI.
Create-Read-Update-Delete (CRUD) Operations
Topics in this sections describe how to incorporate CRUD operations in a .NET MAUI app.
Infinite Scrolling
Explains how to enable endless scrolling functionality for the DXCollectionView control.
Explains how to request content updates with a pull-down gesture in a DXCollectionView.
Item Selection
The DXCollectionView control supports single and multiple item selection.
Drag-and-Drop Operations
Enable drag-and-drop operations to allow users to reorder items in DXCollectionView.
Swipe Gestures
This topic explains how to show swipe elements when a user swipes a DXCollectionView item and perform custom actions on tap.
Customize Appearance
Lists API members that you can use the appearance and layout of the DXCollectionView control and its items.
Lists task-based solutions with the DXCollectionView control.

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