DataItemContainer Class
Serves as the base class for data item containers.
export abstract class DataItemContainer extends TypedSerializableModel implements IBindingModelProvider, ICustomPropertiesProvider
In most scenarios, dashboard items use collections of data items (DataItem) to define their data bindings. In more advanced cases, dashboard items require a collection of data item sets (pairs) to bind to data. For instance, dashboard items that calculate the difference between two measurements need a collection of measurement pairs.
class descendants implement these data item sets.
The image below shows the Sales vs Target data item container that calculates the difference between two measures – Sales and SalesTarget:
#customProperties Property
Gets custom properties available for the current data item container
customProperties: DevExpress.Dashboard.Model.CustomProperties
#Property Value
Type | Description |
Custom |
A Custom |
Documentation: Custom Properties
#name Property
name: ko.Observable<string>
#Property Value
Type |
Observable<string> |
#getInfo Method
getInfo(): DevExpress.Analytics.Utils.ISerializationInfoArray
Type |
ISerialization |
#grabFrom(dataItemContainer) Method
dataItemContainer: DataItemContainer
): void
Name | Type |
data |
Data |