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DevExpress.Dashboard Module

Contains classes that are used for the Web Dashboard client-side customization.


Name Description
AjaxRemoteService The Ajax-based remote service used to communicate with the server side.
ChartContext Provides a connection between data item containers from the Values section and series from an underlying control.
CustomItemViewer A custom dashboard item.
DashboardControl A client-side JavaScript Dashboard control that allows end users to create dashboards and work with them.
DashboardExportExtension A Web Dashboard extension that allows you to export dashboards and dashboard items.
DashboardPanelExtension The Dashboard Panel extension that displays a list of available dashboards and lets you switch between the designer and viewer modes.
DashboardParameterDialogExtension A Web Dashboard extension that is the Dashboard Parameters dialog.
DashboardPrivateSettings Contains experimental settings that affect dashboard controls and their elements.
DataInspectorExtension A Web Dashboard extension that is the Data Inspector.
DateFilterWidget A Date Filter’s underlying widget that provides the Date Filter’s functionality.
FetchRemoteService The Fetch-based remote service used to communicate with the server side.
GaugeContext Provides a connection between data item containers from the Gauges section and underlying control’s gauges.
GridContext Provides a connection between data item containers from the Columns section and an underlying control’s columns.
LegacySettings Contains classes and members that allow you to use legacy options.
MobileLayoutExtension A Web Dashboard extension that allows you to enable a mobile layout for phones.
NotificationController For internal use.
ResourceManager A class containing methods used to manage dashboard control static content.
UrlStateExtension A Web Dashboard extension that displays a dashboard state in the url.
ViewerApiExtension An extension that allows you to customize a visual part of the Web Dashboard.


Name Description
AjaxRemoteServiceOptions Provides options for customizing the AjaxRemoteService.
CardWidget A Card underlying widget that visualizes a Card dashboard item’s data.
CustomItemExportInfo Provides options for custom item exporting.
DashboardContainer Contains information about the opened dashboard.
DashboardControlOptions Provides options to configure the DashboardControl.
DashboardExcelExportOptions Contains options related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard item to Excel format.
DashboardExportDialogArgs Provides data for the ExportDialogShowing, ExportDialogShown, and ExportDialogHidden events.
DashboardExportExtensionOptions Provides options for customizing the DashboardExportExtension.
DashboardImageExportOptions Contains options related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard item as an image.
DashboardInfo Contains information used to identify a dashboard within the dashboard storage.
DashboardItemCaptionToolbarOptions Provides access to the dashboard item’s caption elements.
DashboardOptionChangedArgs<T> Provides access to the OptionChanged event arguments.
DashboardPanelExtensionOptions Provides options for customizing the DashboardPanelExtension.
DashboardParameter A dashboard parameter.
DashboardParameterCollection A collection of the DashboardParameter objects.
DashboardParameterDialogExtensionOptions Provides options for customizing the DashboardParameterDialogExtension.
DashboardPdfExportOptions Contains options related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard item to PDF format.
DashboardTitleToolbarOptions Provides access to the dashboard title’s elements.
DashboardTitleToolbarUpdatedEventArgs Provides data for the DashboardTitleToolbarUpdated event.
DataInspectorDialogArgs Provides data for the DialogHidden, DialogShowing, and DialogShown events.
DataInspectorExtensionOptions Provides options for customizing the DataInspectorExtension.
DataInspectorGridArgs Provides data for the GridContentReady and GridInitialized events.
DataRequestOptions Provides options for configuring data request mode.
ExportFontInfo Contains the font settings of the exported document.
FetchRemoteServiceOptions Provides options for customizing the FetchRemoteService.
ICustomItemExtension The Web Dashboard’s extension that is a custom item.
IExtension The Web Dashboard extension.
IRemoteService<TResponse> A remote service used to communicate with the server side.
ItemActionAvailabilityChangedEventArgs Provides data for the ItemActionAvailability event.
ItemCaptionToolbarUpdatedEventArgs Provides data for the ItemCaptionToolbarUpdated event.
ItemClickEventArgs Supplies data for the ItemClick event.
ItemDrillDownStateChangedEventArgs Provides data for the ItemDrillDownState event.
ItemElementCustomColorEventArgs Provides information for the ViewerApiExtensionOptions.onItemElementCustomColor event.
ItemMasterFilterStateChangedEventArgs Provides information for the ItemMasterFilterStateChanged event.
ItemSelectionChangedEventArgs Provides data for the ItemSelectionChanged event.
ItemVisualInteractivityEventArgs Provides information for the ItemVisualInteractivity event.
ItemWidgetBaseEventArgs Provides basic data for events related to client widgets used to visualize data in dashboard items.
ItemWidgetEventArgs Provides data for events related to client widgets used to visualize data in dashboard items.
ItemWidgetOptionEventArgs Provides data for the ViewerApiExtensionOptions.onItemWidgetOptionsPrepared event.
KnockoutTemplate A template notation used to specify templates for UI component elements.
MobileLayoutExtensionOptions Provides options for configuring the MobileLayoutExtension.
ParameterDialogContent Contains options related to the Parameter dialog content.
SelectedTabPageChangedEventArgs Provides data for the SelectedTabPageChanged event.
UrlStateExtensionOptions Provides options for customizing the UrlStateExtension.
ViewerApiExtensionOptions Provides options for customizing the ViewerApiExtension.
ViewerToolbarItem A toolbar item.
ViewerToolbarItemMenu A toolbar item’s menu.
ViewerToolbarItemTooltip A toolbar item’s tooltip.
WorkingModeSwitchingOptions An object that contains a dashboard layout coordinates.


Name Description
dashboardToolbarItemNames Lists unique names of the dashboard item caption and dashboard title elements.
defaultExtensions A collection of the extensions used in the Designer, Viewer, and ViewerOnly modes.
designerExtensions A collection of the extensions used in the Designer and Viewer modes.

Type Aliases

Name Description
DashboardChartExportSizeMode Lists values used to specify how a Chart dashboard item should be resized when being exported.
DashboardControlArgs Provides data for the events used to customize the Web Dashboard control.
DashboardControlEvents Provides access to the DashboardControl’s events.
DashboardExcelFormat Lists values that specify the available Excel workbook formats.
DashboardExportDocumentScaleMode Lists values that specify a scale mode when exporting a dashboard/dashboard item.
DashboardExportExtensionEvents Describes events this extension fires.
DashboardExportFormat Lists values that specify the available export formats.
DashboardExportImageFormat Lists values that specify the available Image formats.
DashboardExportPageLayout Lists values that specify the page orientation used to export a dashboard (dashboard item).
DashboardExportPaperKind Lists values that specify the type of paper for the printed document.
DashboardInitializedArgs Provides data for the DashboardInitialized event.
DashboardInitializingArgs Provides data for the DashboardInitializing event.
DashboardItemUpdateArgs Provides data for the ItemBeginUpdate and ItemEndUpdate events.
DashboardMapSizeMode Lists values used to specify how a Map dashboard item should be resized when being exported.
DashboardParameterDialogExtensionEvents Describes events this extension fires.
DashboardRangeFilterExportSizeMode Lists values used to specify how a Range Filter dashboard item should be resized when being exported.
DashboardSelectionMode Lists values that specify the selection mode for the Master-Filtering feature.
DashboardStateChangedArgs Provides data for the DashboardStateChanged event.
DashboardStateExcelExportPosition Lists values that specify the position of the dashboard state (such as master filter or current parameter values) in the exported Excel document.
DashboardStateExportPosition Lists values that specify the position of the dashboard state (such as master filter or current parameter values) in the exported document.
DashboardTreemapExportSizeMode Lists constants used to specify how the Treemap dashboard item should be resized when being exported.
DashboardUpdateArgs Provides data for the DashboardBeginUpdate and DashboardEndUpdate events.
DataInspectorExtensionEvents Describes events this extension fires.
ExtensionOptions Provides access to the extension options.
InspectedType Lists values used to identify the data type in the Data Inspector.
ItemDataRequestMode Lists values used to specify how a dashboard control loads dashboard items’ data.
KeyEventType Contains objects that identify a user interaction with the keyboard.
LimitVisibleDataMode Lists values that specify data limitation modes.
MobileLayoutMode Lists values that specify a mobile layout mode for the Web Dashboard.
RefreshItemsArgs Provides data for the refresh method.
ViewerApiExtensionEvents Describes events this extension fires.
WorkingMode Specifies the working mode of the Web Dashboard.