CardCustomLayoutTemplate Class
The Custom layout template that allows you to create a card layout manually.
export class CardCustomLayoutTemplate extends CardLayoutTemplate
Use the Card.layoutTemplate property to specify a card’s layout template. To learn how to manage the layout of cards in the CardItem, refer to the CardLayoutTemplate class description.
The Custom layout template allows you to create a card’s layout manually. You can use the following members:
- The CardCustomLayoutTemplate.layout property provides access to the CardLayout object that defines a card’s layout.
- The CardLayout object exposes the CardLayout.rows property that allows you to construct a layout vertically using special layout rows. You can add the CardRow object that can contain multiple elements, or you can use the CardSparklineRow that occupies an entire card width.
The CardRow.elements property allows you to add specific elements to the CardRow. For instance, you can add the following types of elements:
- CardRowTextElement - displays a static text within a card;
- CardRowDataElement - displays bound data within a card (such as actual value, target value, dimension value, etc.);
- CardRowIndicatorElement - displays a delta indicator.
For internal use.
modelJson?: any,
serializer?: DevExpress.Analytics.Utils.ModelSerializer
Name | Type | Description |
model |
any | A JSON object used for dashboard deserialization. Do not pass this parameter directly. |
serializer | Model |
An object used for dashboard deserialization. Do not pass this parameter directly. |
#layout Property
layout: DevExpress.Dashboard.Model.CardLayout
#Property Value
Type |
Card |
#type Property
type: ko.Observable<string>
#Property Value
Type |
Observable<string> |
#getInfo Method
For internal use.
getInfo(): DevExpress.Analytics.Utils.ISerializationInfoArray
Type | Description |
ISerialization |
An array of objects that provide serialization info. |
#getType Method
getType(): string
Type |
string |