DevExpress.Dashboard.Data Module
Contains classes and members that allow you to work with dashboard data.
Name | Description |
ItemData | Multidimensional data visualized in the dashboard item. |
ItemDataAxis | An axis that contains data points corresponding to the specified value hierarchy. |
ItemDataAxisPoint | A point on the data axis. |
ItemDataAxisPointTuple | Represents a tuple of axis points. |
ItemDataDelta | Contains the delta metadata. |
ItemDataDeltaValue | Provides delta element values. |
ItemDataDimension | Contains the dimension metadata. |
ItemDataDimensionValue | Provides dimension values at the specified axis point. |
ItemDataMeasure | Contains the measure metadata. |
ItemDataMeasureValue | Provides the measure value and display text. |
ItemUnderlyingData | Represents a list of records from the dashboard data source. |
RangeFilterSelection | A range in the Range Filter dashboard item. |
RequestUnderlyingDataParameters | Contains parameters used to obtain the underlying data for the dashboard item. |
Name |
itemDataAxisNames |
specialValues |
Type Aliases
Name | Description |
AxisValuesDictionary | Lists values that specify the unique dimension values. |
ItemDataAxisName | Lists values that specify the name of the data axis. |
PrimitiveType | Lists values that specify primitive types. |