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ChartPane Class

A chart pane.


export class ChartPane extends SerializableModel


The ChartPane instances represent chart panes - rectangular areas where series are plotted. A single chart dashboard item can have several panes.

Each pane has its own Y-axis and displays a specific set of series. All panes in a chart share the same X-axis.


The ChartPane objects provide access to the collection of series plotted on this pane (ChartPane.series) and settings of the Y-axis (ChartPane.primaryAxisY).

Use the ChartItem.panes property to access the collection of panes that constitute the ChartItem.

#Inherited Members



Initializes a new instance of the ChartPane class.


    dataItemProvider: DevExpress.Dashboard.Model.DataDashboardItem,
    dashboardItemJSON?: any,
    serializer?: DevExpress.Analytics.Utils.ModelSerializer


Name Type Description
dataItemProvider DataDashboardItem
dashboardItemJSON any

A JSON object used for dashboard deserialization. Do not pass this parameter directly.

serializer ModelSerializer

An object used for dashboard deserialization. Do not pass this parameter directly.


#createSeriesByViewType Property


createSeriesByViewType: (seriesViewType: string) => DevExpress.Dashboard.Model.ChartSeries

#Property Value

(seriesViewType: string) => ChartSeries

#name Property

Specifies the name of the current pane.


name: ko.Observable<string>

#Property Value

Type Description

A string that specifies the name of the current pane.

#primaryAxisY Property

Gets the primary Y-axis displayed within the current pane.


primaryAxisY: DevExpress.Dashboard.Model.ChartAxisY

#Property Value

Type Description

A ChartAxisY object that is the primary Y-axis displayed within the current pane.


Use the primaryAxisY property to access settings of the primary Y-axis displayed within the current pane. These settings include the visibility of the axis, the axis title, etc.

#secondaryAxisY Property

Gets the secondary Y-axis displayed within the current pane.


secondaryAxisY: DevExpress.Dashboard.Model.ChartSecondaryAxisY

#Property Value

Type Description

A ChartSecondaryAxisY object that is the secondary Y-axis displayed within the current pane.


Use the secondaryAxisY property to access settings of the secondary Y-axis displayed within the current pane. These settings include the visibility of the axis, the axis title, etc.

#series Property

Specifies the collection of series plotted in this pane.


series: ko.ObservableArray<DevExpress.Dashboard.Model.ChartSeries>

#Property Value

Type Description

A collection of ChartSeries descendants that represent series plotted in this pane.


Use the series collection to introduce new series in the Chart dashboard item.

To do this, create instances of the appropriate ChartSeries descendants and add them to the series collection.


#dispose Method

Disposes of all resources associated with this ChartPane.


dispose(): void

#getInfo Method

For internal use.


getInfo(): DevExpress.Analytics.Utils.ISerializationInfoArray


Type Description

An array of objects that provide serialization info.