ChartPane Class
A chart pane.
export class ChartPane extends SerializableModel
The ChartPane instances represent chart panes - rectangular areas where series are plotted. A single chart dashboard item can have several panes.
Each pane has its own Y-axis and displays a specific set of series. All panes in a chart share the same X-axis.
The ChartPane objects provide access to the collection of series plotted on this pane (ChartPane.series) and settings of the Y-axis (ChartPane.primaryAxisY).
Use the ChartItem.panes property to access the collection of panes that constitute the ChartItem.
Initializes a new instance of the ChartPane
dataItemProvider: DevExpress.Dashboard.Model.DataDashboardItem,
dashboardItemJSON?: any,
serializer?: DevExpress.Analytics.Utils.ModelSerializer
Name | Type | Description |
data |
Data |
dashboard |
any | A JSON object used for dashboard deserialization. Do not pass this parameter directly. |
serializer | Model |
An object used for dashboard deserialization. Do not pass this parameter directly. |
#createSeriesByViewType Property
createSeriesByViewType: (seriesViewType: string) => DevExpress.Dashboard.Model.ChartSeries
#Property Value
Type |
(series |
#name Property
Specifies the name of the current pane.
name: ko.Observable<string>
#Property Value
Type | Description |
Observable<string> | A string that specifies the name of the current pane. |
#primaryAxisY Property
Gets the primary Y-axis displayed within the current pane.
primaryAxisY: DevExpress.Dashboard.Model.ChartAxisY
#Property Value
Type | Description |
Chart |
A Chart |
Use the primaryAxisY property to access settings of the primary Y-axis displayed within the current pane. These settings include the visibility of the axis, the axis title, etc.
#secondaryAxisY Property
Gets the secondary Y-axis displayed within the current pane.
secondaryAxisY: DevExpress.Dashboard.Model.ChartSecondaryAxisY
#Property Value
Type | Description |
Chart |
A Chart |
Use the secondaryAxisY property to access settings of the secondary Y-axis displayed within the current pane. These settings include the visibility of the axis, the axis title, etc.
#series Property
Specifies the collection of series plotted in this pane.
series: ko.ObservableArray<DevExpress.Dashboard.Model.ChartSeries>
#Property Value
Type | Description |
Observable |
A collection of Chart |
Use the series collection to introduce new series in the Chart dashboard item.
To do this, create instances of the appropriate ChartSeries descendants and add them to the series collection.
#dispose Method
Disposes of all resources associated with this ChartPane.
dispose(): void
#getInfo Method
For internal use.
getInfo(): DevExpress.Analytics.Utils.ISerializationInfoArray
Type | Description |
ISerialization |
An array of objects that provide serialization info. |