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DevExpress.Dashboard.Designer Module


Name Description
AvailableDataSourcesExtension An extension that provides access to a list of available data sources used to provide data to the Web Dashboard.
AvailableFontFamiliesExtension A Web Dashboard extension that stores a font family list. This list defines typeface options available for custom styles in format rules.
BindingPanelExtension An extension that is the dashboard item’s Binding menu allowing you to create and modify data binding.
ChartIndicatorsExtension An extension that adds custom indicator types to the Trend Indicators dialog.
ConversionPanelExtension An extension that is the dashboard item’s Convert To menu allowing you to convert or duplicate the current item.
CreateDashboardExtension A Web Dashboard extension that allows you to create a new dashboard.
DashboardChooseDataSourceTypePage Implements the Select data source type page of the Dashboard Data Source Wizard.
DashboardChooseOlapConnectionStringPage Implements the Choose a data connection section of the Dashboard Data Source Wizard’s page.
DashboardColorSchemeEditorExtension A Web Dashboard extension that allows you to configure color schemes.
DashboardCurrencyEditorExtension An extension that is the Web Dashboard currency editor.
DashboardItemMenuExtension A Web Dashboard extension that is a dashboard item menu.
DashboardMenuItem A dashboard menu item.
DashboardParameterEditorExtension A Web Dashboard extension that allows you to create and edit dashboard parameters.
DashboardTitleEditorExtension An extension that is the Web Dashboard title editor.
DashboardToolbarGroup A toolbar group that contains dashboard toolbar items.
DashboardToolbarItem A toolbar item of a specified dashboard toolbar group.
DashboardToolboxGroup A toolbox group that contains dashboard toolbox items.
DashboardToolboxItem A toolbox item of a specified dashboard toolbox group.
DataSourceBrowserExtension A Web Dashboard extension that is the Data Source browser.
DataSourceWizardExtension A Web Dashboard extension that is the Data Source Wizard.
DesignerToolbarExtension A Web Dashboard extension that allows you to display predefined and custom commands in the toolbar when the control operates in Designer mode.
FilterPanelExtension An extension that is the dashboard item’s Filters menu allowing you to apply filters on a dashboard item.
FormItemTemplates Contains templates for editors used in the Web Dashboard.
InteractivityPanelExtension An extension that is the dashboard item’s Interactivity menu containing settings that affect on interaction between various dashboard items.
LayoutOptionEditorExtension A Web Dashboard extension that allows users to change the dashboard layout options.
MultiQueryDataSourceWizardExtension A Web Dashboard extension that is the Multi Query Data Source Wizard.
OpenDashboardExtension A Web Dashboard extension that allows you to open the created dashboards.
OptionsPanelExtension An extension that is the dashboard item’s Options menu containing specific options and settings related to the current dashboard item.
SaveDashboardExtension A Web Dashboard extension that allows you to save the current dashboard.
TextBoxItemEditorExtension A Web Dashboard extension that allows you to edit Text Box item content.
ToolboxExtension The Web Dashboard Toolbox extension that provides access to the dashboard menu and allows you to add dashboard items, as well as undo or repeat user actions.
UndoRedoExtension A Web Dashboard extension that adds the undo/redo buttons and allows users to keep track of user actions, and cancel or repeat them.


Name Description
BindingPanelExtensionOptions Provides options for customizing the ViewerApiExtension.
ChartIndicatorsExtensionOptions Contains custom indicator type settings.
CustomizeDataItemContainerSectionsEventArgs Provides information for the BindingPanelExtensionOptions.onCustomizeDataItemContainerSections event.
CustomizeSectionsEventArgs Provides information for the OptionsPanelExtensionOptions.onCustomizeSections event.
DataSourceWizardExtensionOptions Provides options for customizing the DataSourceWizardExtension and MultiQueryDataSourceWizardExtension.
DesignerToolbarArgs Contains data for the DesignerToolbarExtensionOptions.onPreparing event.
DesignerToolbarExtensionOptions Provides options for customizing the DesignerToolbarExtension.
DesignerToolbarItem An item in the Designer Toolbar.
IDashboardDataSourceWizardSettings When implemented by a class, provides the Data Source Wizard’s settings for the Web Dashboard.
IDashboardWizardEventArgs Provides data for the CustomizeDataSourceWizard event.
RichEditCreatedEventArgs Provides data for the TextBoxItemEditorExtensionOptions.RichEditCreated event.
RichEditOptionsPreparedEventArgs Provides data for the TextBoxItemEditorExtensionOptions.RichEditOptionsPrepared event.
SectionOptions Provides options for a new section in the Dashboard Item Menu and Data Item Menu.
TextBoxItemEditorExtensionOptions Provides options for customizing the TextBoxItemEditorExtension.


Name Description
DataSourceWizardPageId Lists the values that identify the Dashboard Data Source Wizard‘s pages.
OlapDataSourceWizardPageId Lists the values that identify the Dashboard Data Source Wizard‘s pages for OLAP data source.


Name Description
ToDataSourceTypeNumber(dashboardType) Converts a data source type to the enumeration value’s numerical number.

#Type Aliases

Name Description
BindingPanelExtensionEvents Describes events this extension fires.
DashboardDataSourceType Lists values that specify the data source type available in the Dashboard Data Source Wizard.
DataSourceWizardExtensionEvents Describes events this extension fires.
DataSourceWizardType Lists values used to identify the wizard’s type.
DesignerToolbarExtensionEvents Describes events this extension fires.
OptionsPanelExtensionEvents Describes events this extension fires.