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IDocument Members

For internal use.


Name Description
IsCreating For internal use. Gets a value indicating whether or not the document is being created.
IsEmpty For internal use. Indicates whether or not the document is empty (i.e., does it contain at least one page).
IsRightToLeftLayout For internal use. Specifies the orientation of the document’s content.
Pages For internal use.
PageSettings For internal use.

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Name Description
AddService(Type, ServiceCreatorCallback, Boolean) Adds the specified service to the service container, and optionally promotes the service to parent service containers. Inherited from IServiceContainer.
AddService(Type, ServiceCreatorCallback) Adds the specified service to the service container. Inherited from IServiceContainer.
AddService(Type, Object, Boolean) Adds the specified service to the service container, and optionally promotes the service to any parent service containers. Inherited from IServiceContainer.
AddService(Type, Object) Adds the specified service to the service container. Inherited from IServiceContainer.
AfterDrawPages(Object, Int32[]) For internal use.
BeforeDrawPages(Object) For internal use.
GetService(Type) Gets the service object of the specified type. Inherited from IServiceProvider.
RemoveService(Type, Boolean) Removes the specified service type from the service container, and optionally promotes the service to parent service containers. Inherited from IServiceContainer.
RemoveService(Type) Removes the specified service type from the service container. Inherited from IServiceContainer.


Name Description
AfterBuildPages For internal use. Occurs after all document pages have been created.
BeforeBuildPages For internal use. Occurs before document pages are created.
CreateDocumentException For internal use. Occurs when any exception is raised during document creation.
Disposed For internal use.
DocumentChanged For internal use. Occurs when a Document Viewer receives a document change notification.
PageBackgrChanged For internal use.
See Also