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HtmlEditorToolbarGroupNames.Paragraph Property

Gets the name of the Paragraph group.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public static string Paragraph { get; }

Property Value

Type Description

The “Paragraph” string.


The Paragraph group in the HtmlEditor‘s toolbar includes the following items:

Paragraph Alignment Left
The checkable button allows users to align selected paragraphs with the left margin.
Paragraph Alignment Center
The checkable button allows users to center selected paragraphs on the page.
Paragraph Alignment Right
The checkable button allows users to align selected paragraphs with the right margin.
Paragraph Alignment Justify
The checkable button allows users to align selected paragraphs with left and right margins.
Bullet List
The checkable button allows users to start a bullet list.
Numbered List
The checkable button allows users to start a numbered list.
Increase Indent
The button allows users to increase the indent of selected paragraphs.
Decrease Indent
The button allows users to decrease the indent of selected paragraphs.
Paragraph Styles
The combo box allows users to change the style of selected paragraphs.

Html Editor - Toolbar Paragraph Group

Use the Paragraph property to perform the following operations:

The following code snippet removes all items from the toolbar’s Paragraph group:

<DxHtmlEditor Width="100%"

@code {
    void OnCustomizeToolbar(IToolbar toolbar) {
        IBarGroup paragraphGroup = toolbar.Groups[HtmlEditorToolbarGroupNames.Paragraph];
See Also