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DxTreeList Members

A component that displays hierarchical data in tabular format and allows users to sort, filter, and otherwise shape the data.


Name Description
DxTreeList() Initializes a new instance of the DxTreeList class.


Name Description
AllowColumnReorder Specifies whether users can reorder columns.
AllowSelectRowByClick Specifies whether users can select and deselect rows by mouse clicks, tap gestures, and keyboard shortcuts.
AllowSort Specifies whether users can sort treelist data.
Attributes Specifies a collection of standard HTML attributes applied to the TreeList.
ChildrenFieldName Specifies the field name that stores the node’s child data items.
ColumnCaptionAlignment Specifies the alignment of all column captions.
ColumnFooterTemplate Specifies a common template used to display all footer cells in the TreeList.
ColumnHeaderCaptionTemplate Specifies a common template used to display captions of all column headers in the TreeList.
ColumnResizeMode Specifies whether and how users can resize TreeList columns.
Columns Allows you to add TreeList columns.
CssClass Assign a CSS class to the TreeList.
Data Specifies a data source.
DataColumnCellDisplayTemplate Specifies a common template used to display all data column cells in the TreeList.
DataColumnFilterRowCellTemplate Allows you to replace automatically generated editors with custom content in all filter row cells displayed for data columns.
EmptyDataAreaTemplate Specifies the template used to display an empty data area.
FilterTreeMode Specifies how the TreeList component displays filtered nodes.
FocusedRowEnabled Specifies whether row focus is enabled.
FooterDisplayMode Specifies when to display the footer in the TreeList.
HasChildrenFieldName Specifies the field name that defines whether a node has children.
HighlightRowOnHover Specifies whether to highlight a data row when a user hovers the mouse pointer over it.
KeyFieldName Specifies the field name that contains unique identifiers for TreeList nodes.
PageIndex Specifies the active page index.
PagerAutoHideNavButtons Specifies whether arrow navigation buttons are hidden when all numeric buttons are displayed in the pager.
PagerNavigationMode Specifies how users navigate between TreeList pages.
PagerPosition Specifies the pager position.
PagerSwitchToInputBoxButtonCount Specifies the total number of pages when the pager switches from numeric buttons to the input box in Auto mode.
PagerVisible Specifies whether the TreeList displays the pager.
PagerVisibleNumericButtonCount Specifies the maximum number of numeric buttons displayed in the pager.
PageSize Specifies the maximum number of rows displayed on a page.
PageSizeSelectorAllRowsItemVisible Specifies whether the page size selector contains the All item.
PageSizeSelectorItems Specifies items available in the page size selector.
PageSizeSelectorVisible Specifies whether the TreeList displays the page size selector in the pager.
ParentKeyFieldName Specifies the field that links a node to its parent.
SelectAllCheckboxMode Specifies whether the Select All checkbox selects all rows on the current page or on all TreeList pages.
SelectedDataItem In single selection mode, this property specifies the data item that corresponds to the selected TreeList row.
SelectedDataItems In multiple selection mode, this property specifies data items that correspond to selected TreeList rows.
SelectionMode Specifies the selection mode.
ShowAllRows Specifies whether the TreeList displays all rows on one page.
ShowFilterRow Specifies whether the TreeList displays the filter row.
SizeMode Specifies the size of TreeList elements (for instance, text size and row height) and other built-in components (for instance, pager and buttons).
SkeletonRowsEnabled Specifies whether the TreeList displays skeleton rows while it loads data.
TextWrapEnabled Specifies whether the TreeList wraps words or if it trims extra words and displays an ellipsis.
ToolbarTemplate Specifies a template for a toolbar area.
TotalSummary Contains total summary items.
VirtualScrollingEnabled Specifies whether vertical virtual scrolling is enabled.


Name Description
AutoFitColumnWidths() Adjusts column width to content.
BeginUpdate() Suspends TreeList updates caused by parameter changes and method calls until the EndUpdate() method is called.
ClearFilter() Clears the filter applied to TreeList data.
ClearSelection() Clears selection.
ClearSort() Clears sorting.
CollapseAll() Collapses all rows in the TreeList component.
CollapseRow(Int32) Collapses the row with the specified visible index.
DeselectAllAsync() Deselects all rows in the TreeList.
DeselectAllOnPage() Deselects all rows on the currently visible page except for child rows of collapsed items.
DeselectDataItem(Object) Deselects a row that corresponds to the specified data item.
DeselectDataItems(IEnumerable<Object>) Deselects rows that correspond to the specified data items.
DeselectRow(Int32) Deselects a row with the specified visible index.
DeselectRows(IEnumerable<Int32>) Deselects rows with the specified visible indexes.
EndUpdate() Resumes TreeList updates (when the BeginUpdate() method pauses updates) and re-renders the TreeList.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
ExpandAll() Expands all rows in the TreeList component.
ExpandRow(Int32) Expands the row with the specified visible index.
FilterBy(String, TreeListFilterRowOperatorType, Object) Filters TreeList data by the specified column value.
GetColumns() Returns a collection of all treelist columns.
GetDataColumns() Returns a data column collection.
GetDataItem(Int32) Returns a data source item bound to the row with the specified visible index.
GetDataItemValue(Object, String) Returns the value of the specified field for the specified data item.
GetFieldFilterCriteria(String) Returns the filter criteria applied to the specified field of the bound data source.
GetFilterCriteria() Returns the filter criteria applied to TreeList data.
GetFocusedDataItem() Returns a data item bound to the focused data row.
GetFocusedRowIndex() Returns the visible index of the focused row.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetPageCount() Returns the total number of pages in the TreeList.
GetRowValue(Int32, String) Returns the value of the data source field in the specified row.
GetSortedColumns() Gets the collection of sorted columns.
GetStartRowVisibleIndex() Gets the visible index of the first row on the current page.
GetTotalSummaryDisplayText(ITreeListSummaryItem) Gets a total summary item’s display text.
GetTotalSummaryFormattedValue(ITreeListSummaryItem) Gets a total summary item’s formatted value.
GetTotalSummaryItems() Returns the collection of total summary items.
GetTotalSummaryLabel(ITreeListSummaryItem) Returns the name of a total summary‘s function name.
GetTotalSummaryValue(ITreeListSummaryItem) Gets a total summary item’s value.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
GetVisibleColumns() Returns a collection of visible columns sorted based on their display order.
GetVisibleRowCount() Returns the total number of visible rows in the TreeList.
IsDataItemFocused(Object) Returns whether the row bound to the specified data item is focused.
IsDataItemSelected(Object) Returns whether the row that corresponds to the specified data item is selected.
IsRowExpanded(Int32) Returns whether the row with the specified visible index is expanded.
IsRowFocused(Int32) Returns whether the row with the specified visible index is focused.
IsRowSelected(Int32) Returns whether the specified row is selected.
MakeRowVisible(Int32) Makes the row with the specified visible index visible on screen.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
RefreshSummary() Refreshes all total summary values in the TreeList.
Reload() Reloads TreeList data.
SelectAllAsync(Boolean) Selects or deselects all rows in the TreeList.
SelectAllOnPage(Boolean) Selects or deselects all rows on the currently visible page except for child rows of collapsed items.
SelectDataItem(Object, Boolean) Selects or deselects a row that corresponds to the specified data item.
SelectDataItems(IEnumerable<Object>, Boolean) Selects or deselects rows that correspond to the specified data items.
SelectRow(Int32, Boolean) Selects or deselects a row with the specified visible index.
SelectRows(IEnumerable<Int32>, Boolean) Selects or deselects rows with the specified visible indexes.
SetFieldFilterCriteria(String, CriteriaOperator) Applies a filter to the specified data field.
SetFilterCriteria(CriteriaOperator) Applies a filter to TreeList data.
SetFocusedRowIndex(Int32) Moves focus to the row with the specified visible index.
ShowColumnChooser() Shows the column chooser in the center of the treelist.
ShowColumnChooser(DialogDisplayOptions) Shows the column chooser and positions it based on specified display options.
ShowColumnChooser(String) Shows the column chooser below the specified target element.
SortBy(String, TreeListColumnSortOrder, Int32) Sorts data by column values in the specified order and specifies the sorted column’s index.
SortBy(String, TreeListColumnSortOrder) Sorts data by column values in the specified order.
SortBy(String) Sorts data by the specified column values.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
WaitForDataLoadAsync() Returns a task that completes when pending asynchronous data load operations are completed.
WaitForRemoteSourceRowLoadAsync(Int32) Returns a task that is completed when the specified row of a remote data source is loaded.


Name Description
ChildrenLoading Allows you to populate a node with child nodes. The TreeList component raises this event for each node during initialization.
ChildrenLoadingOnDemand Allows you to populate a node with child nodes. The TreeList component raises this event when the node is expanded for the first time.
CustomizeCellDisplayText Allows you to customize text displayed within a cell.
CustomizeElement Allows you to customize TreeList cells and rows according to their values.
CustomizeFilterRowEditor Allows you to customize a cell editor in the filter row.
CustomizeSummaryDisplayText Allows you to customize the summary display text.
CustomSort Allows you to implement custom logic used to sort data in the TreeList.
CustomSummary Allows you to create custom summary items.
FilterCriteriaChanged Fires when filter criteria that is applied to TreeList data changes.
FocusedRowChanged Fires when row focus changes.
PageIndexChanged Fires when the TreeList’s active page index changes.
PageSizeChanged Fires when the page size changes.
RowClick Fires when a user clicks or taps a TreeList row or focuses a data cell and presses Enter.
RowDoubleClick Fires when a user double clicks a TreeList row.
SelectedDataItemChanged In single selection mode, fires when a TreeList row is selected.
SelectedDataItemsChanged In multiple selection mode, fires when the selection in the TreeList changes.
ShowAllRowsChanged Fires when the ShowAllRows property value changes.
See Also