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IToastNotificationService Interface

Allows you to manage toast notifications in code.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public interface IToastNotificationService


The toast notification service allows you to create, show, and close toast notifications in code. To use the service, inject it with the [Inject] attribute.

[Inject] IToastNotificationService ToastService { get; set; }

Use methods implemented by the interface to manage toast notifications in code.

  • The ShowToast method overloads allow you to create and show toast notifications at runtime or to show DxToast components declared in markup.

    <DxButton Text="Create a toast" Click="CreateToastAtRuntime" />
    <DxButton Text="Show a declared toast" Click="ShowDeclaredToast" />
    <DxToastProvider />
    <DxToast Id="toast1" Text="The toast specified in markup." />
    @code {
        [Inject] IToastNotificationService ToastService { get; set; }
        private void CreateToastAtRuntime() {
            ToastService.ShowToast(new ToastOptions {
                Id = "toast2",
                Title = "New toast",
                Text = "The new toast is created.",
        private void ShowDeclaredToast() {
  • The CloseToast(String) method allows you to close toast notifications.


Run Demo: Overview Watch Video: Getting Started

See Also