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Member Table: GridView Specific Settings

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#Common Settings

Member Description
ASPxGridLookup.AutoGenerateColumns Gets or sets whether columns are automatically created for all fields in the underlying data source.
ASPxGridLookup.Columns Provides access to the editor’s column collection.
ASPxGridLookup.GridView Provides access to an embedded ASPxGridView object.
ASPxGridLookup.GridViewClientSideEvents Gets an object that lists the client-side events specific to the ASPxGridLookup.
ASPxGridLookup.GridViewProperties Provides access to the settings allowing you to customize the built-in ASPxGridView’s properties.


Member Description
ASPxGridLookup.DataSource Gets or sets the object from which the data-bound editor retrieves its list of data items.
ASPxGridLookup.DataSourceID Gets or sets the ID of the control from which the data-bound editor retrieves its list of data items.
ASPxGridLookup.KeyFieldName Gets or sets the name of the data source key field.


Member Description
ASPxGridLookup.GridViewImages Provides access to the settings that define images displayed within the built-in ASPxGridView’s elements.
ASPxGridLookup.GridViewImagesEditors Provides access to the settings that define images displayed within the built-in ASPxGridView’s editors.
ASPxGridLookup.GridViewImagesFilterControl Provides access to the settings that define images displayed within the built-in ASPxGridView’s Filter Control.


Member Description
ASPxGridLookup.GridViewStyles Provides access to the style settings that control the appearance of the built-in ASPxGridView’s elements.
ASPxGridLookup.GridViewStylesEditors Provides access to style settings used to paint the built-in ASPxGridView’s editors.
ASPxGridLookup.GridViewStylesFilterControl Provides access to the style settings used to paint the built-in ASPxGridView’s Filter Control.
ASPxGridLookup.GridViewStylesPager Provides access to the style settings that control the appearance of the Pager displayed within the built-in ASPxGridView.