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HTML Encoding

  • 10 minutes to read

Web browsers can interpret data that contains reserved characters as HTML markup and execute this data as a code. This may create security issues. You should encode data to protect your website from cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

DevExpress web controls implement the EncodeHtml property that allows you to encode property values and content. When the EncodeHtml property is enabled, the control displays HTML code as text. The control uses the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method to replace reserved characters (for example, < and >) with character entity references (&lt; and &gt;).

Unencoded Content

When a control’s EncodeHtml property is set to true, the control encodes data that is loaded from the data source and that users can select or edit.

The control never encodes the following information:

  • Data that cannot be edited by users
  • Content specified in templates
  • Element content and values specified on the client

Call the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method to encode values that may contain HTML markup:

<dx:ASPxComboBox ID="ComboBoxID" DataSourceID="ContactsDataSource" TextField="Name" runat="server">
            <%# System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Eval("Name")) %><br />
            <%# System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Eval("Phone")) %>
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    String caption = // A value from an untrusted source
    ComboBoxID.SettingsAdaptivity.ModalDropDownCaption = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(caption);

Refer to the following sections for information on how DevExpress ASP.NET Web Forms controls implement HTML encoding:


The ASPxBinaryImage control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:

The ASPxBinaryImage control does not encode the EditingSettings.DropZoneText property value. The control renders this value as HTML markup. Call the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method to encode it.


The ASPxButton control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the Text property value.


The ASPxButtonEdit control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:


The ASPxCalendar control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:


The ASPxCaptcha control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:

The ASPxCaptcha control does not encode the LoadingPanel.Text property value. The control renders this value as HTML markup. Call the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method to encode it.


The ASPxCardView control’s SettingsBehavior.EncodeErrorHtml property specifies whether to encode error texts. A column‘s PropertiesEdit.EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode column cell values.

Set the SettingsCommandButton.EncodeHtml property to true to encode text strings displayed in command buttons.


The ASPxCheckBox control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:


The ASPxCheckBoxList control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:


The ASPxCloudControl‘s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode Text of individual items.

The ASPxCloudControl does not encode ItemBeginText and ItemEndText property values. The control renders these values as HTML markup. Call the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method to encode them.


The ASPxColorEdit control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:


The ASPxComboBox control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:

The ASPxComboBox control does not encode the following property values:

The control renders these values as HTML markup. Call the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method to encode them.


The ASPxDateEdit control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:

The ASPxDateEdit control does not encode the SettingsAdaptivity.ModalDropDownCaption property value. The control renders this value as HTML markup. Call the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method to encode it.


The ASPxDataView control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the pager‘s button captions.

The ASPxDataView control does not encode ShowMoreItemsText and EmptyDataText property values. The control renders these values as HTML markup. Call the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method to encode them.


The ASPxDiagram control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode Title of individual custom shapes.

The ASPxDropDownEdit control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:

The ASPxDropDownEdit control does not encode the SettingsAdaptivity.ModalDropDownCaption property value. The control renders this value as HTML markup. Call the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method to encode it.


A column‘s PropertiesEdit.EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode column cell values in the ASPxFilterControl.

The ASPxFilterControl control does not encode the following property values:

The control renders these values as HTML markup. Call the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method to encode them.


The ASPxFormLayout control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode Caption of individual items.


The ASPxGantt control does not encode Caption of individual columns in the Task List. The control renders these values as HTML markup. Call the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method to encode them.


The ASPxGridView control’s PreviewEncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode text strings displayed in preview rows. The SettingsBehavior.EncodeErrorHtml property specifies whether to encode the control’s error texts.

A data column’s PropertiesEdit.EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode column cell values. Enable the SettingsCommandButton.EncodeHtml property to encode text strings displayed in command buttons.

The ASPxGridView control does not encode Caption of individual columns. The control renders these property values as HTML markup. Call the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method to encode them.


The ASPxHeadline control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:

The ASPxHeadline control does not encode the TailText property value. The control renders this value as HTML markup. Call the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method to encode it.


The ASPxHint control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:


The ASPxHtmlEditor control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:

The ASPxHtmlEditor control does not encode Text and Value property values of individual toolbar custom items. The control renders these values as HTML markup. Call the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method to encode them.

The ASPxHyperLink control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the Text property value.


The ASPxImageGallery control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:

The ASPxImageGallery control does not encode EmptyDataText and PagerSettings.ShowMoreItemsText property values. The control renders these values as HTML markup. Call the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method to encode them.


The ASPxImageSlider control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode Text of individual items.


The ASPxLabel control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode Text and Value property values.


The ASPxListBox control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:

The ASPxListBox control does not encode the following property values:

The control renders these values as HTML markup. Call the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method to encode them.


The ASPxMemo control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:

The ASPxMenu control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode Text of individual items.

The ASPxNavBar control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:


The ASPxNewsControl‘s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:

The ASPxNewsControl does not encode ItemSettings.TailText and EmptyDataText property values. The control renders these values as HTML markup. Call the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method to encode them.


The ASPxPager control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:

The ASPxPager control does not encode the PageSizeItemSettings.Caption property value. The control renders the value as HTML markup. Call the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method to encode it.


The ASPxPageControl‘s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode Text of individual tab pages.


The ASPxPivotGrid control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:


The ASPxPopupControl‘s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:


The ASPxPopupMenu control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode Text of individual items.


The ASPxRadioButton control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:


The ASPxRadioButtonList control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:


The ASPxRibbon control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:


The ASPxRichEdit control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode ribbon and popup control elements.


The ASPxRoundPanel control’s EncodeHtml property is not in effect, when the View property value is set to Standard. If this property value is set to GroupBox, the control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the HeaderText property value.


The ASPxSpinEdit control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:


The ASPxSpreadsheet control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode ribbon and popup control elements.


The ASPxTabControl‘s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode Text of individual tabs.


The ASPxTextBox control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:


The ASPxTimeEdit control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:


The ASPxTitleIndex control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode Text of individual items.

The ASPxTitleIndex control does not encode the following property values:

The control renders these values as HTML markup. Call the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method to encode them.


The ASPxTokenBox control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:

The ASPxTokenBox control does not encode the SettingsLoadingPanel.Text property value. The control renders this value as HTML markup. Call the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method to encode it.


The ASPxTrackBar control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:


The ASPxTreeList control’s PreviewEncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode text strings displayed in preview rows. The SettingsBehavior.EncodeErrorHtml property specifies whether to encode the control’s error texts.

Set a column‘s PropertiesEdit.EncodeHtml property to true to encode column cell values.


The ASPxTreeView control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode Text of individual nodes.


The ASPxUploadControl‘s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the following property values:


The ASPxValidationSummary control’s EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode the HeaderText property value.

The control summarizes validation errors from multiple editors and displays them in a single block. Set an editor’s EncodeHtml property to true to encode the editor’s error text in the ASPxValidationSummary.


The ASPxVerticalGrid control’s SettingsBehavior.EncodeErrorHtml property specifies whether to encode error texts. A row‘s PropertiesEdit.EncodeHtml property specifies whether to encode row cell values.

Set the SettingsCommandButton.EncodeHtml property to true to encode text strings displayed in command buttons.