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Native Mode

  • 3 minutes to read

DevExpress controls use a custom layout that includes standard HTML elements such as <TABLE>, <DIV> and <SPAN>. This allows you to customize control appearance by applying a specific style to an editor’s composite elements.

In some cases, you may need to display controls as native HTML form elements, if performance is more important than appearance. Native mode allows you to display DevExpress controls with similar HTML elements as native elements, which reduces a control’s render size and improves overall performance.

Use the control’s Native property to enable native mode. Note that this property is only provided by controls that can be rendered as standard HTML elements, as listed in the table below:

Controls with Native Mode Support

Control Property Corresponding Native HTML Element
ASPxButton ASPxButton.Native input type=button element or input type=submit element
ASPxCheckBox ASPxCheckBox.Native input type=checkbox element
ASPxCheckBoxList ASPxCheckListBase.Native a table containing input type=checkbox elements
ASPxComboBox ASPxComboBox.Native select element
ASPxListBox ASPxListBox.Native select element
ASPxMemo ASPxMemo.Native textarea element
ASPxRadioButton ASPxCheckBox.Native input type=radio element
ASPxRadioButtonList ASPxCheckListBase.Native a table containing input type=radio elements
ASPxTextBox ASPxTextBox.Native input type=text element
ASPxUploadControl ASPxUploadControl.Native input type=file element

#Theming in Native Mode

Note that DevExpress themes do not work properly in native mode because a theme requires elements that are removed when you activate this mode. The result is that when native HTML mode is enabled, a control’s appearance depends on how a client browser interprets and displays the corresponding HTML element.


The example below demonstrates an ASP.NET markup and the resulting HTML code of ASPxComboBoxes in native and nonnative modes.

The ASPxComboBox1 control is in nonnative mode and renders as a table element. The ‘Office2010Silver’ theme, which is applied to the page, specifies styles for table elements. Thereby, the editor is themed.

The ASPxComboBox2 control is rendered in native mode as a select element. In this case, required elements (i.e., tables) are removed when you turn on native mode, so theming won’t work.

The image below shows the result.

Native Mode Theming

//Apply the Office2010Silver theme to the page
protected void Page_PreInit(object sender, EventArgs e) {
     DevExpress.Web.ASPxWebControl.GlobalTheme = "Office2010Silver";

#Differences in functionality

Some DevExpress control features are not supported in native mode – as shown in the table below.


Feature that is not supported in native mode


Radio button functionality

ASPxCheckBox, ASPxCheckBoxList

Indeterminate check box state


On-Demand Item Loading (Callback Mode)


Multiple columns


On-demand item loading (Callback Mode)

CheckColumn selection mode

ASPxMemo, ASPxTextBox

Null text


Advanced upload mode,

Clear file selection button

Null text

See Also