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The ASPxButtonEdit control displays a text box editor that can show one or more buttons within its client region.


ASPxButtonEdit offers the following features:

  • Null Prompt Text

    You can display prompt text when the editor’s value is null and the editor is not focused. The prompt text disappears when the editor receives focus. Use the ASPxButtonEdit.NullText property to define the prompt text.

  • Mask Password Input

    You can treat the input as a password, so the characters entered into the editor are masked. To enable this functionality, set the ButtonEditProperties.Password property value to true.

  • Mask Input

    The ASPxButtonEdit control allows you to use masks when a user edits a value. See the following topic to learn more: Mask Editing.

  • Button Templates

    You can create a template that defines how all editor buttons are rendered.

  • Built-in Validation

    The ASPxButtonEdit control allows you to validate data on both the client and server sides. See the following help topic to learn more: Validation.

  • Customizable Button Layout and Look-and-Feel

    Each button can display text, an image, or both. You can control the button’s visibility, availability to end-users and position within the editor’s text box. Use the ASPxButtonEditBase.Buttons property to manage the button collection.

  • Full-Featured Client-Side API

    The ASPxClientButtonEdit object is the client-side equivalent of the ASPxButtonEdit control. This object exposes the control’s comprehensive client-side API.