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.NET 8.0+

IModelCommonMemberViewItem Members

Serves as the base interface for the IModelMember and IModelMemberViewItem interfaces.


Name Description
AllowClear Specifies whether or not a user can clear a value in the lookup editor.
AllowEdit Specifies whether or not the current Property Editor should be read-only.
Caption Specifies the caption of the current Property Editor.
CaptionForFalse Specifies the caption for the false value of the current Property Editor, if this Property Editor displays a property of the Boolean type.
CaptionForTrue Specifies the caption for the true value of the current Property Editor, if this Property Editor displays a property of the Boolean type.
DataSourceCriteria Specifies filtering criteria for the current Property Editor, if it displays a reference property.
DataSourcePropertyIsNullCriteria Specifies the criteria upon which a list of objects is formed in the current lookup Property Editor.
DataSourcePropertyIsNullMode Specifies objects displayed in the current Lookup Property Editor, when the IModelMemberViewItem.DataSourceProperty property is null (Nothing in VB).
DisplayFormat Specifies a display format pattern for a Property Editor‘s value.
EditMask Specifies a mask expression for a Property Editor.
EditMaskType Specifies the edit mask type of a value in the current Property Editor.
ImageForFalse Specifies the name of the image that is displayed for the property’s False value.
ImageForTrue Specifies the name of the image that is displayed for the property’s True value.
ImageSizeMode Specifies how the current Property Editor must resize images.
ImmediatePostData Specifies whether the property editor’s control value should be passed to the property of a bound object as soon as possible when the value is changed by user. For instance, it allows you to enforce updating other displayed values that are calculated based on the current property.
IsPassword Specifies whether the current Property Editor displays a password to determine whether its value should be typed as a password.
LookupEditorMode Specifies the mode of the current Lookup Property Editor.
LookupProperty Specifies the property whose value is displayed in the text editor of the current Property Editor, if it represents a Lookup Property Editor.
NullText Specifies the text that a Property Editor displays when its value is null or String.Empty. WinForms Property Editors also show this text if their value is DBNull.Value
PredefinedValues Specifies predefined values for the current Property Editor, separated by semicolons.
PropertyEditorType Specifies the Property Editor that is used for the current property in a UI.
PropertyEditorTypes Specifies the possible Property Editors that can be used for the current property in a UI.
RowCount Specifies the row count of a Property Editor.
ToolTip Specifies the tooltip text. Inherited from IModelToolTip.
See Also