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.NET 6.0+

ViewItem Class

Represents a base class for View Items.

Namespace: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Editors

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.ExpressApp


public abstract class ViewItem :


The ViewItem class implements basic functionality for items that can be contained in a Detail View. This functionality includes:

To access the Detail View in which a View Item is contained, use the ViewItem.View property.

The XAF ships with the following descendants of the ViewItem class:

To implement a custom View Item, inherit from the ViewItem class. The following protected members that are not described in the documentation can be overridden:

Member Description
CreateControlCore Called by the ViewItem.CreateControl method. You should return the control that will represent your View Item in a UI.
SaveModelCore Called by the ViewItem.SaveModel method. You can override it to save the settings of a View Item and its control to the Application Model. This allows display of the View Item in the same manner as it was before it was recreated.
Dispose Called by the ViewItem.Dispose method. Override it if you need to dispose custom allocated resources.
OnCurrentObjectChanging and OnCurrentObjectChanged Called when the ViewItem.CurrentObject property is changed.
OnControlCreating and OnControlCreated Called when a control (see ViewItem.Control) is created. Raise the ViewItem.ControlCreating and ViewItem.ControlCreated events.


A custom View Item should be implemented in a platform-specific module project and decorated with the ViewItemAttribute. If your solution does not contain this project, add this View Item to an application project. This View Item will be loaded to the Application Model, which means that you will be able to use it in a UI.

For details on View Items and basics on how to implement custom ones, refer to the View Items and How to: Implement a View Item topics.

To access a View Item of the View for which a Controller is activated, handle the Controller.Activated and ViewItem.ControlCreated events, as it is demonstrated in the following article: Access the Settings of a Property Editor in a Detail View.

See Also