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PageBand.PrintOn Property

Specifies whether to print the PageBand on the same page as the Report Header and Report Footer bands.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraReports.UI

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraReports.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Reporting.Core


public PrintOnPages PrintOn { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Default Description
PrintOnPages AllPages

AllPages to print the band on all report pages; NotWithReportHeader to print the band on pages without a report header; NotWithReportFooter to print the band on pages without a report footer; NotWithReportHeaderAndReportFooter to print the band on pages without a report header and footer.

Available values:

Name Description

A band is printed on all report pages in the ordinary manner.


A band is hidden if a page contains a Report Header.


A band is hidden if a page contains a Report Footer.


A band is hidden if a page contains a Report Header or Report Footer.


Use this property to specify whether to print the PageHeaderBand or PageFooterBand on the first page (on the same page as the ReportHeaderBand) or on the last page (on the same page as the ReportFooterBand).

If the PageHeaderBand’s PrintOn property returns the PrintOnPages.NotWithReportFooter value, the empty space from the PageHeaderBand is placed on the last page.

If a report exported as a Single File contains Report Header or Report Footer bands, the PageFooter bands with the PrintOn property set to NotWithReportHeader / NotWithReportFooter are not included in the exported file.

See Also