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SplashScreenManager.ShowOverlayForm(Control, Nullable<Boolean>, Nullable<Boolean>, Nullable<Color>, Nullable<Color>, Nullable<Int32>, Image, IOverlayWindowPainter, String, Nullable<ImageRotationParams>, Nullable<Int32>) Method

Shows an Overlay Form with the specified options over the specified control.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraSplashScreen

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraEditors.v19.1.dll


public static IOverlaySplashScreenHandle ShowOverlayForm(
    Control owner,
    bool? fadeIn = default(bool? ),
    bool? fadeOut = default(bool? ),
    Color? backColor = default(Color? ),
    Color? foreColor = default(Color? ),
    int? opacity = default(int? ),
    Image image = null,
    IOverlayWindowPainter customPainter = null,
    string skinName = null,
    ImageRotationParams? rotationParameters = default(ImageRotationParams? ),
    int? startupDelay = default(int? )


Name Type Description
owner Control

The control over which the overlay form will be shown.

Optional Parameters

Name Type Default Description
fadeIn Nullable<Boolean> *null*

True, if fade-in animation is enabled; otherwise, False.

fadeOut Nullable<Boolean> *null*

True, if fade-out animation is enabled; otherwise, False.

backColor Nullable<Color> *null*

The Overlay Form’s background color.

foreColor Nullable<Color> *null*

The Overlay Form’s foreground color.

opacity Nullable<Int32> *null*

The Overlay Form’s transparency level. 0 corresponds to total transparency, 255 - to the normal state.

image Image *null*

The image shown rotating in the Overlay Form’s center.

customPainter DevExpress.XtraSplashScreen.IOverlayWindowPainter *null*

An IOverlayWindowPainter object that performs the Overlay Form’s custom draw.

skinName String *null*

The Overlay Form’s skin.

rotationParameters Nullable<DevExpress.XtraSplashScreen.ImageRotationParams> *null*

The Overlay Form’s rotation parameters. The Ticks parameter specifies the number of frames per rotation. The Duration parameter specifies the length, in milliseconds, of a single rotation.

startupDelay Nullable<Int32> *null*

A display delay.


Type Description

A handle for the shown Overlay Form. Use this handle to close the Overlay Form.


Call the ShowOverlayForm method to show an Overlay Form with the specified options over the owner control.


You can only show an Overlay Form over a control/form that has a handle (see IsHandleCreated). Otherwise, an exception is thrown.

The ShowOverlayForm method returns an IOverlaySplashScreenHandle object. Pass this handle to the SplashScreenManager.CloseOverlayForm method to close the opened Overlay Form.

using DevExpress.XtraSplashScreen;
public partial class ModuleOverlayForm : TutorialControl {

    public ModuleOverlayForm() {
    void OnShowClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {
        IOverlaySplashScreenHandle _handle =
                owner: this.xtraTabPage1,
                fadeIn: true,
                fadeOut: true,
                backColor: Color.Blue,
                foreColor: Color.Black,
                opacity: 127,
                image: Image.FromFile("image.png"),
                startupDelay: 2000);
        Timer timer = new Timer() { Interval = 4000 };
        timer.Tick += (ss, ee) => {
            //You can also use the handle's Close method to close the form.


Run the XtraEditors demo for the complete example.

See Also