How to: Populate a Menu and Ribbon Gallery with DevExpress Skin Items and Localize Them
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The DevExpress.XtraBars.Helpers.SkinHelper class allows you to populate an existing RibbonGalleryBarItem or any menu (PopupMenu or BarSubItem) with items that correspond to DevExpress skins. If an end-user clicks any item, the corresponding skin is applied via the static Default Look and Feel object.
This example demonstrates how to use the SkinHelper class to populate a RibbonGalleryBarItem and PopupMenu with skin items, and how to localize skin captions via a Localizer object. See Localizing WinForms Controls via Localizer Objects to learn more.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DevExpress.XtraBars.Ribbon;
using DevExpress.XtraBars.Helpers;
using DevExpress.XtraBars.Localization;
namespace HowToUseBarSkinHelper {
public partial class Form1 : RibbonForm {
public Form1() {
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
BarLocalizer.Active = new MyBarLocalizer();
SkinHelper.InitSkinGallery(ribbonGalleryBarItem1, true);
// Custom localizer that changes skin captions
public class MyBarLocalizer : BarLocalizer {
public override string GetLocalizedString(BarString id) {
if (id == BarString.SkinCaptions) {
//Default value for BarString.SkinCaptions:
//"|DevExpress Style|Caramel|Money Twins|DevExpress Dark Style|iMaginary|Lilian|Black|Blue|Office 2010 Blue|Office 2010 Black|Office 2010 Silver|Office 2007 Blue|Office 2007 Black|Office 2007 Silver|Office 2007 Green|Office 2007 Pink|Seven|Seven Classic|Darkroom|McSkin|Sharp|Sharp Plus|Foggy|Dark Side|Xmas (Blue)|Springtime|Summer|Pumpkin|Valentine|Stardust|Coffee|Glass Oceans|High Contrast|Liquid Sky|London Liquid Sky|The Asphalt World|Blueprint|"
string defaultSkinCaptions = base.GetLocalizedString(id);
string newSkinCaptions = defaultSkinCaptions.Replace("|DevExpress Style|", "|My Favorite Skin|");
return newSkinCaptions;
return base.GetLocalizedString(id);