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Localizing WinForms Controls with Localizer Objects

  • 7 minutes to read

DevExpress WinForms UI controls use Localizer objects to obtain strings for UI elements (for instance, the Data Grid uses GridLocalizer). Localization-related APIs (Localizer objects) take priority over satellite resource assemblies.

Use one of the following methods to modify resources:

  • Implement a custom localizer for a specific UI control.
  • Use the global XtraLocalizer class to localize all DevExpress UI controls.


DevExpress UI controls support two methods of localization: Satellite Resource Assemblies and Localization-Related API (Custom Localizers). There are several UI controls that can only be localized with satellite resource assemblies (for example, the Search dialog in XtraReports).

#Custom Localizers

Follow the steps below to create a custom localizer:

  • Create a descendant of a Localizer class that corresponds to a UI control. See the following table for information: Default Localizers.
  • Override the GridLocalizer.GetLocalizedString method to return localized strings for specific resource identifiers.


    You can override the GridLocalizer.PopulateStringTable method to translate specific resources.

  • Assign a custom localizer to the Active property of the Localizer class from which you inherited.

#Example - How to Create Custom Localizers

The following example demonstrates how to create localizers to translate resources (menu items) of the Data Grid and Picture Editor into German:


using DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls;
using DevExpress.XtraGrid.Localization;

public class GermanGridLocalizer : GridLocalizer {
    public override string Language { get { return "Deutsch"; } }
    public override string GetLocalizedString(GridStringId id) {
        string ret = "";
        switch (id) {
            // ... 
            case GridStringId.GridGroupPanelText: return "Ziehen Sie eine Spaltenüberschrift in diesen Bereich, um nach dieser zu gruppieren";
            case GridStringId.MenuColumnClearSorting: return "Sortierung entfernen";
            case GridStringId.MenuGroupPanelHide: return "Gruppierungsfeld ausblenden";
            case GridStringId.MenuColumnRemoveColumn: return "Spalte entfernen";
            case GridStringId.MenuColumnFilterEditor: return "Filter &bearbeiten";
            case GridStringId.MenuColumnFindFilterShow: return "Suche einblenden";
            case GridStringId.MenuColumnAutoFilterRowShow: return "Zeige Auto Filterzeile";
            case GridStringId.MenuColumnSortAscending: return "Aufsteigend sortieren";
            case GridStringId.MenuColumnSortDescending: return "Absteigend sortieren";
            case GridStringId.MenuColumnGroup: return "Gruppieren fur dieses Feld";
            case GridStringId.MenuColumnUnGroup: return "Gruppierung aufheben";
            case GridStringId.MenuColumnColumnCustomization: return "Laufzeit benutzerdefinierte Spalte";
            case GridStringId.MenuColumnBestFit: return "Optimale Breite";
            case GridStringId.MenuColumnFilter: return "Kann gruppieren";
            case GridStringId.MenuColumnClearFilter: return "Filter aufheben";
            case GridStringId.MenuColumnBestFitAllColumns: return "Optimale Breite (alle Spalten)";
            // ... 
                ret = base.GetLocalizedString(id);
        return ret;

public class GermanEditorsLocalizer : Localizer {
   public override string Language { get { return "Deutsch"; }}
   public override string GetLocalizedString(StringId id) {
      switch(id) {
         // ...
         case StringId.PictureEditMenuCut: return "Ausschneiden";
         case StringId.PictureEditMenuCopy: return "Kopieren";
         case StringId.PictureEditMenuPaste: return "Einfugen";
         case StringId.PictureEditMenuDelete: return "Loschen";
         case StringId.PictureEditMenuLoad: return "Laden";
         case StringId.PictureEditMenuSave: return "Speichern";
         // ...
      return base.GetLocalizedString(id);

Assign instances of the GermanGridLocalizer and GermanEditorsLocalizer classes to the GridLocalizer.Active and Localizer.Active properties before application startup to activate custom localizers.

public Form1() {
    GridLocalizer.Active = new GermanGridLocalizer();
    Localizer.Active = new GermanEditorsLocalizer();

#Default Localizers

The following table lists default Localizer classes and corresponding resource string identifiers for DevExpress WinForms UI controls:

Control Localizer Classes Resource String Identifier (Enum)
Chart Control ChartLocalizer, ChartResLocalizer ChartStringId
Data Access Library DataAccessUILocalizer DataAccessUIStringId
Data Grid GridLocalizer, GridResLocalizer GridStringId
Diagrams DiagramControlLocalizer, DiagramControlResLocalizer DiagramControlStringId
Editors and Controls Localizer, EditResLocalizer StringId
Gauges GaugesCoreLocalizer GaugesCoreStringId
Layout and Data Layout Controls LayoutLocalizer, LayoutResLocalizer LayoutStringId
Navigation Bar NavBarLocalizer NavBarStringId
PDF Viewer PdfCoreLocalizer / XtraPdfViewerLocalizer, XtraPdfViewerResLocalizer PdfCoreStringId / XtraPdfViewerStringId
Pivot Grid PivotGridLocalizer, PivotGridResLocalizer PivotGridStringId
Printing-Exporting PreviewLocalizer, PreviewResLocalizer PreviewStringId
Reporting ReportLocalizer, ReportResLocalizer ReportStringId
Ribbon, Bars and Menu BarLocalizer, BarResLocalizer, DocManagerLocalizer, BarString, DocumentManagerLocalizerId
Rich Text Editor XtraRichEditLocalizer, RichEditExtensionsLocalizer / OfficeLocalizer, XtraRichEditResLocalizer XtraRichEditStringId, RichEditExtensionsStringId / OfficeStringId
Scheduler SchedulerLocalizer, SchedulerResLocalizer SchedulerStringId
Spell Checker SpellCheckerLocalizer, SpellCheckerResLocalizer SpellCheckerStringId
Spreadsheet XtraSpreadsheetLocalizer, XtraSpreadsheetFunctionNameLocalizer, XtraSpreadsheetCellErrorNameLocalizer, OfficeLocalizer, XtraSpreadsheetResLocalizer XtraSpreadsheetStringId, XtraSpreadsheetFunctionNameStringId, XtraSpreadsheetCellErrorNameStringId / OfficeStringId
Tree List TreeListLocalizer, TreeListResLocalizer TreeListStringId
Vertical Grid VGridLocalizer, VGridResLocalizer VGridStringId
Data Filtering FilterUIElementResXLocalizer FilterUIElementLocalizerStringId
XtraDialog DialogsLocalizer DialogsStringId


Localizer vs ResLocalizer

The XXXLocalizer object uses predefined invariant strings. Non-translated strings override translations in localized resource assemblies. Use the XXXResLocalizer object to translate non-translated strings or modify translated strings in localized resource assemblies.


Use the DevExpress UI Localization Client to quickly identify non-translated strings of DevExpress UI controls and translate them during a debug session. The UI Localization Client automatically generates required RESX files with translated resources and adds them to the project.

#XtraLocalizer - Event Based Localization

The XtraLocalizer class implements a localization-related API that allows you to translate DevExpress UI controls and forms into different languages and develop multicultural enterprise applications:

  • The QueryLocalizedString and QueryLocalizedStringContainerResource events allow you to localize resources for all DevExpress UI controls and their built-in data forms in your application. These events fire when a control or data form requests a resource string. Handle these events to translate or modify resource strings as needed.
  • The QueryLocalizedStringNonTranslated allows you to focus on the strings that require translation in your application. Handle this event to collect non-localized resource strings for further translation.


These events are weak events. You should implement the event handler as a method. Otherwise, the garbage collector can collect a reference to your delegate.



using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DevExpress.Utils.Localization;
using DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls;
using DevExpress.XtraGrid.Localization;

namespace DXApplication {
    internal static class Program {
        /// <summary>
        /// The main entry point for the application.
        /// </summary>
        static void Main() {
            XtraLocalizer.QueryLocalizedString += XtraLocalizer_QueryLocalizedString;
            Application.Run(new Form1());
        static private void XtraLocalizer_QueryLocalizedString(object sender, XtraLocalizer.QueryLocalizedStringEventArgs e) {
            if (e.StringIDType == typeof(GridStringId)) {
                if ((GridStringId)e.StringID == GridStringId.GridGroupPanelText)
                    e.Value = "Gruppenregion";
            if (e.StringIDType == typeof(StringId)) {
                if ((StringId)e.StringID == StringId.PictureEditMenuCut)
                    e.Value = "Ausschneiden";
                if ((StringId)e.StringID == StringId.PictureEditMenuCopy)
                    e.Value = "Kopieren";
                if ((StringId)e.StringID == StringId.PictureEditMenuPaste)
                    e.Value = "Einfugen";


You can also use the XtraLocalizer.UserResourceManager property to leverage RESX files with your localization strings:

XtraLocalizer.UserResourceManager = Localization.myResources.ResourceManager;
See Also