How to: Create and Modify the Control's Small Image List
- 2 minutes to read
This example creates and modifies an image list that will serve as a source of small images for the control. The image list is assigned to the NavBarControl.LargeImages property. The NavElement.ImageOptions property is used to assign images to items and a group. NavBarGroup.GroupCaptionUseImage and NavBarGroup.GroupStyle properties enable display of small images.
The following image shows the control’s look & feel before and after code execution:
using DevExpress.XtraNavBar;
// ...
// Create an image list
ImageList smallImageSource = new ImageList();
smallImageSource.ImageSize = new Size(16, 16);
smallImageSource.TransparentColor = Color.Magenta;
// Set the image list as a source of small images
navBarControl1.SmallImages = smallImageSource;
// Assign a small image to a group caption
NavBarGroup currGroup = navBarControl1.Groups[1];
currGroup.ImageOptions.SmallImageIndex = 0;
currGroup.GroupCaptionUseImage = NavBarImage.Small;
// Assign small images to items
currGroup.ItemLinks[0].Item.ImageOptions.SmallImageIndex = 1;
currGroup.ItemLinks[1].Item.ImageOptions.SmallImageIndex = 2;
currGroup.GroupStyle = NavBarGroupStyle.SmallIconsList;