Node Context Menu
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In This Article
If the TreeList.OptionsMenu.EnableNodeMenu option is enabled, the tree list shows a context menu when a user right-clicks a node.
#Predefined Commands
The context menu contains the following predefined commands:
- Collapse (Expand) – collapses (expands) the clicked node. This command is only shown when the node has children.
- Full Collapse – collapses all nodes.
- Full Expand – expands all nodes.
Use the TreeList.OptionsMenu.ShowExpandCollapseItems property to hide these commands.
If the control displays the New Item Row, the context menu also contains the following commands:
- Add Node – creates a new node at the same level as the focused node.
- Add Child Node – creates a new child node for the focused node.
Use the TreeList.OptionsMenu.ShowAddNodeItems property to hide/show these items regardless of the New Item Row visibility.
Refer to the following help topic for more information on how to customize this menu: Context Menus.
#Localize the Menu
The TreeListLocalizer allows you to localize the command captions. Use the following fields to identify a command:
- MenuNodeCollapse – the Collapse command.
- MenuNodeExpand – the Expand command.
- MenuNodeExpandAll – the Full Expand command.
- MenuNodeCollapseAll – the Full Collapse command.
- MenuNodeAddNode – the Add Node command.
- MenuNodeAddChildNode – the Add Child Node command.
using DevExpress.XtraTreeList.Localization;
TreeListLocalizer.Active = new NodeContextMenuLocalizer();
public class NodeContextMenuLocalizer : TreeListLocalizer {
public override string Language { get { return "English"; } }
public override string GetLocalizedString(TreeListStringId id) {
switch (id) {
case TreeListStringId.MenuNodeCollapse: return "Collapse this node";
case TreeListStringId.MenuNodeExpand: return "Expand this node";
case TreeListStringId.MenuNodeExpandAll: return "Expand all nodes";
case TreeListStringId.MenuNodeCollapseAll: return "Collapse all nodes";
default: return base.GetLocalizedString(id);
See Also