A Symbol is a visual element that represents some information on the Digital Gauge control. This information may contain digits, characters or any graphics that can be represented on LED devices.
Any symbol can be divided into one or more parts, depending on its size. These parts can be either segments or matrix dots. To display a symbol on the digital gauge Symbol Panel, use the DigitalGauge.Text property.
Symbol appearance depends on the symbols panel type. The following images show symbols on different panels.
A SevenSegments view type has 7 main and 4 additional segments that can be used to display a symbol.
A FourteenSegments view type contains 14 main and 4 additional segments.
A Matrix5x8 view type contains 5 horizontal and 8 vertical matrix dots for each symbol.
A Matrix8x14 view type is represented by 8 horizontal and 14 vertical matrix dots for each symbol.
The table below lists the main properties that affect element behavior and appearance.
Characteristics | Members |
Main | Digital |
Appearance | Digital |
Layout | Digital |