Data Binding
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This document provides information on the data-binding mechanism in the XtraGauges Suite, and lists specific gauge elements that can be used in this process.
#Data Binding Overview
Certain gauge elements are static, while others change their position, state or contents depending upon specific settings.
- In circular gauges, a needle is typically used to point to the current value (ArcScale.Value). When the value changes, the needle automatically rotates.
- In linear gauges, a level bar changes its position according to the scale’s current value (LinearScale.Value).
- Digital gauges are updated every time their text changes (DigitalGauge.Text).
- State indicator gauges display corresponding images dependent upon the current state (StateIndicator.StateIndex).
All these properties can be changed manually in code or data-bound to data sources using the standard .NET data-binding mechanism. To bind these properties, use the DataBindings objects provided by gauge elements.
- The ArcScaleComponent.DataBindings property allows you to data-bind to the current value of a circular gauge’s scale (ArcScale.Value).
- The LinearScaleComponent.DataBindings property allows you to data-bind to the current value of a linear gauge’s scale (LinearScale.Value).
- The DigitalGauge.DataBindings property allows you to data-bind to the text displayed by a digital gauge.
- The StateIndicatorComponent.DataBindings property allows you to data-bind to a state of a state indicator gauge.
Data binding to one of these properties is available both at design time and runtime.
For example, the following image demonstrates data binding to the value of a circular gauge’s scale via the property grid at design time.
To learn more about how to bind these properties to data sources, please refer to the following samples.