This example illustrates how you can modify the behavior of the Date Navigator control by creating a class descendant and overriding the required properties. The DateNavigator descendant allows selecting more than seven dates by days, not by weeks, which is the default behavior.
public class MyDateNavigator : DateNavigator
protected override DateTime AdjustSelectionEnd(DateTime start, DateTime end)
return end;
//return base.AdjustSelectionEnd(start, end);
protected override DateTime AdjustSelectionStart(DateTime start, DateTime end)
return start;
//return base.AdjustSelectionStart(start, end);
Public Class MyDateNavigator
Inherits DateNavigator
Protected Overrides Function AdjustSelectionEnd(ByVal start As Date, ByVal [end] As Date) As Date
Return [end]
'return base.AdjustSelectionEnd(start, end);
End Function
Protected Overrides Function AdjustSelectionStart(ByVal start As Date, ByVal [end] As Date) As Date
Return start
'return base.AdjustSelectionStart(start, end);
End Function
End Class