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Header Buttons

  • 7 minutes to read

#Default Panel Buttons

Default panel buttons are “Maximize”, “Auto-Hide” and “Close”.

Docking2017 - Default Panel Buttons

You can hide unwanted default buttons for specific panels. To do so, use required properties from the DockPanel.Options section. To do this for all panels at once, utilize properties from the DockManager.DockingOptions group instead.

Close Button

  • Available for both docked and floating panels.
  • On this button click, a panel is placed into the DockManager.HiddenPanels collection. You can utilize this collection to restore a hidden panel by modifying its DockPanel.Visibility property.

If you want the close button to dispose of closed panels rather than move them to the HiddenPanels collection, handle the ClosedPanel event and destroy panels manually.

void DockManager1_ClosedPanel(object sender, DockPanelEventArgs e) {

Maximize Button

  • Available for floating panels and child panels of split containers.
  • Maximized floating panels occupy the entire screen. In split containers, maximized panels fill these containers almost entirely.
  • Utilize the BaseDockOptions.ShowMaximizeButton property to hide maximize buttons for all panels or individual panels only.

Auto-Hide Button

#Modify Default Button Images

All DevExpress controls and their elements use images and image settings from skins. To modify DockPanel button images, run the WinForms Skin Editor and create a custom skin.

  1. In Skin Editor, go to the “Bars” collection and expand the “Dock Panel Button Glyphs” item.
  2. Select the required item state (for example, Normal) and load a new glyph. You can also colorize an existing image. To do this, double-click any glyph panel to open the Edit SVG Palette dialog, select the required glyph and set its new color.
  3. Save your custom skin, export it as a .dll assembly, and add this library to your Visual Studio project. See this help topic for more information: Export and Apply Custom Skins.

#Add Custom Header Buttons To Dock Panels

To add custom header buttons at design time, click the ellipsis button next to the DockPanel.CustomHeaderButtons property to invoke the Collection Editor dialog. In this dialog, click the “Add” button to create header buttons for a panel.

Docking2017 - Custom Header Button Editor

The property grid to the right of the Collection Editor allows you to modify button properties.

To add custom buttons in code, populate the DockPanel.CustomHeaderButtons collection with the CustomHeaderButton class instances.

dockPanel1.CustomHeaderButtons.Add(new CustomHeaderButton(
    // button properties

#Custom Button Types

There are three types of custom header buttons.

Push Buttons

Check Buttons

Radio Buttons

#Arranging Default and Custom Header Buttons

Both default and custom header buttons are arranged depending on the VisibleIndex property value. The less a button visible index is, the closer this button will be to the panel caption. For default buttons, this value is fixed.

  • “Maximize” - visible index is 100.
  • “Auto-Hide” - visible index is 101.
  • “Close” - visible index is 102.

The following figure illustrates an example.

Custom Header Buttons - Visible Index

#Buttons in Content Container Headers

Split and tab panel containers are objects of the DockPanel class and thus, they support header buttons. Header buttons for split containers are visible only when these containers float.

Docking2017 - Floating Split Header Buttons

private void DockManager1_RegisterDockPanel(object sender, DockPanelEventArgs e) {
    if (e.Panel.Count != 0 && e.Panel.FloatForm != null) {
        e.Panel.ActiveChildChanged += Panel_ActiveChildChanged;
        e.Panel.Text = "Floating Split Container";
        e.Panel.CustomHeaderButtons.Add(new CustomHeaderButton(
            "Button 1", "Find;Size16x16;Grayscaled", HorizontalImageLocation.Default,
            DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking2010.ButtonStyle.PushButton, "Button 1",
            false, 50, -1));
        e.Panel.CustomHeaderButtons.Add(new CustomHeaderButton(
            "Button 2", "Home;Size16x16;Grayscaled", HorizontalImageLocation.Default,
            DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking2010.ButtonStyle.PushButton, "Button 2",
            false, 250, -1));

For tab containers, their own headers merge with a header of a currently active tab. This means a tab container displays both standard and custom header buttons of its active tabs, plus custom buttons added to this container directly.

Auto-hide containers have no headers and cannot display any buttons.


In this example, a tab container with four panels within has five custom buttons added to its header.

  • The “Close” push button hides the currently active tab.
  • The “Auto-Hide” check button hides and restores the tab container.
  • Three “Align …” check buttons united in a single group apply different text alignment settings to memo edit controls, hosted within dock panels.

Custom Header Buttons Example - Result

View Example

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking;
using DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking2010;
using DevExpress.Utils;
using DevExpress.XtraEditors;

namespace CustomHeaderButtonsExample {
    public partial class Form1 : Form {
        public Form1() {
            panelContainer1.CustomButtonUnchecked += new DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking2010.ButtonEventHandler(panelContainer1_CustomButtonUnchecked);
            panelContainer1.CustomButtonChecked += new DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking2010.ButtonEventHandler(panelContainer1_CustomButtonChecked);
            panelContainer1.CustomButtonClick += new DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking2010.ButtonEventHandler(panelContainer1_CustomButtonClick);

        void panelContainer1_CustomButtonUnchecked(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking2010.ButtonEventArgs e) {
            panelContainer1.Visibility = DockVisibility.Visible;

        void panelContainer1_CustomButtonClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking2010.ButtonEventArgs e) {

        void panelContainer1_CustomButtonChecked(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking2010.ButtonEventArgs e) {
            if (e.Button == panelContainer1.CustomHeaderButtons[4]) (panelContainer1.ActiveChild.ControlContainer.Controls[0] as MemoEdit).Properties.Appearance.TextOptions.HAlignment = HorzAlignment.Near;
            if (e.Button == panelContainer1.CustomHeaderButtons[3]) (panelContainer1.ActiveChild.ControlContainer.Controls[0] as MemoEdit).Properties.Appearance.TextOptions.HAlignment = HorzAlignment.Center;
            if (e.Button == panelContainer1.CustomHeaderButtons[2]) (panelContainer1.ActiveChild.ControlContainer.Controls[0] as MemoEdit).Properties.Appearance.TextOptions.HAlignment = HorzAlignment.Far;
            if (e.Button == panelContainer1.CustomHeaderButtons[1]) panelContainer1.Visibility = DockVisibility.AutoHide;