DiagramControl.IsReadOnly Property
In This Article
Specifies whether to enable all diagram protection properties. Setting specific properties to true overrides the IsReadOnly property value.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Diagram
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Diagram.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Diagram
#Property Value
Type | Description |
Boolean | true, to disable all protection options by default; otherwise, false. |
Below is a list of diagram protection properties that allow you to restrict certain end-user operations.
- AllowAddRemoveItems
- AllowApplyAutomaticLayout
- AllowApplyAutomaticLayoutForSubordinates
- AllowAttachDetachConnectors
- AllowChangeCanvasSizeMode
- AllowChangeConnectorsRoute
- AllowChangeConnectorsType
- AllowChangeContainerHeaderPadding
- AllowChangeContainerHeaderVisibility
- AllowChangeContainerPadding
- AllowChangeContainerStyle
- AllowChangeGridVisibility
- AllowChangeImage
- AllowChangeImageStretchMode
- AllowChangeItemBackground
- AllowChangeItemStroke
- AllowChangeItemStyle
- AllowChangeItemZOrder
- AllowChangeLineJumpSettings
- AllowChangePageBreaksVisibility
- AllowChangePageParameters
- AllowChangeRulerVisibility
- AllowChangeShapesParameter
- AllowChangeTextFont
- AllowChangeTextForeground
- AllowChangeTextHorizontalAlignment
- AllowChangeTextVerticalAlignment
- AllowChangeTheme
- AllowCopyItems
- AllowEditItems
- AllowFlipImage
- AllowMoveItems
- AllowResizeItems
- AllowRotateItems
- AllowUndoRedo
- AllowZoom
If the IsReadOnly property is set to true, all these properties are set to false by default. Setting specific properties to true overrides the IsReadOnly property value.
See Also