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ScaleOptions Class

The Chart bound Range Control scale options storage.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts.RangeControlClient

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Charts


public class ScaleOptions :

The following members return ScaleOptions objects:


An instance of the class contains settings that specifies how to plot a chart grid and how to snap a selected range to the grid.

An example uses the following classes and members:

Symbols Description
ChartBoundRangeControlClient The Chart Range Control Client that obtains data to visualize from the bound Chart Control.
ChartBoundRangeControlClient.ScaleOptions Gets or sets the scale options that configure grid appearance. This is a dependency property.
ScaleOptions The Chart bound Range Control scale options storage.
ScaleOptions.GridBehavior Gets or sets the behavior that specifies how the Chart bound Range Control Client forms its grid. This is a dependency property.
ScaleOptions.SnapBehavior Gets or sets the behavior that specifies how the Chart bound Range Control Client snaps its range bounds. This is a dependency property.


The following code demonstrates how to configure the Chart Bound Range Control Client’s behavior:

<dxe:RangeControl AllowZoom="False">
    <dxcr:ChartBoundRangeControlClient Chart="{Binding ElementName=chart}" ThumbLabelFormatString="{}{0:dd MMM yyyy}">
        <dxcr:ScaleOptions LabelFormat="{}{0:MMM yyyy}">
                <dxcr:ManualGridBehavior Alignment="Month" Spacing="20"/>
See Also