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ConfirmationBehavior Properties

Shows a confirmation message box before an application executes the specified command. Users can confirm or cancel the operation.
Name Description
CanFreeze Gets a value that indicates whether the object can be made unmodifiable. Inherited from Freezable.
Command Gets or sets the command that runs if the user accepts the confirmation message. This is a dependency property.
CommandParameter Gets or sets parameters to pass to the Command. This is a dependency property.
CommandPropertyName Gets or sets a name of an associated control’s command property. This is a dependency property.
DependencyObjectType Gets the DependencyObjectType that wraps the CLR type of this instance. Inherited from DependencyObject.
Dispatcher Gets the Dispatcher this DispatcherObject is associated with. Inherited from DispatcherObject.
EnableConfirmationMessage Gets or sets whether a confirmation message should be displayed. This is a dependency property.
HasAnimatedProperties Gets a value that indicates whether one or more AnimationClock objects is associated with any of this object’s dependency properties. Inherited from Animatable.
IsFrozen Gets a value that indicates whether the object is currently modifiable. Inherited from Freezable.
IsSealed Gets a value that indicates whether this instance is currently sealed (read-only). Inherited from DependencyObject.
MessageBoxService Gets or sets a custom message box service. You can use the WinUIMessageBox or create a custom message box that implements the IMessageBoxService interface. This is a dependency property.
MessageButton Gets or sets the confirmation message buttons. This is a dependency property.
MessageDefaultResult Gets or sets the confirmation message button that should be focused when the message appears. This is a dependency property.
MessageIcon Gets or sets the confirmation message icon. This is a dependency property.
MessageText Gets or sets the confirmation message text. This is a dependency property.
MessageTitle Gets or sets the confirmation message title. This is a dependency property.
See Also