- 4 minutes to read
The Map Control library includes several classes that return search result from geo-search services:
When the search is enabled, you can type a search criterion in the built-in Search Panel and view the results on the map and in the search panel’s result list:
Alternatively, Search Providers’ API allows you to implement a custom UI to send a search request and display search results.
Due to Bing canceling the SOAP service on July 30, 2017, the Map Control’s Bing Search provider does not work correctly in version 16.
#Enabling Search
Do the following to enable search in the Map control:
Create an information layer and add it to the map.
The information layer provides vector elements that represent GIS data obtained from the Search service in the Map control. Refer to the Layers guide to learn more about layers.
- Create the BingSearchDataProvider or OsmSearchDataProvider instance and assign it to the InformationLayer.DataProvider property.
Specify the Bing Maps key for the Bing Data Provider using the BingMapDataProviderBase.BingKey property.
Go to The Bing Maps Portal website to create a developer account.
Refer to How to: Get a Bing Maps Key to learn more about how to register a Bing Maps account and create a key for it.
The code snippet below shows how to do this.
<!-- -->
<!-- Image Tile Provider customization here.-->
<dxm:BingSearchDataProvider BingKey="YOUR_BING_MAPS_KEY"/>
<!-- -->
You can also specify the request result count obtained from the service using the BingSearchDataProvider.SearchOptions property.
<!-- -->
<dxm:BingSearchDataProvider BingKey="YOUR_BING_MAPS_KEY">
<dxm:BingSearchOptions ResultsCount="5"/>
<!-- -->
When the Map Control contains an Information Layer that provides Search data, the Map control automatically invokes its built-in search panel (the MapControl.ShowSearchPanel is set to true by default). Refer to the Search Panel topic to learn more about the built-in Search panel.
#Using a Custom UI
The Map control provides a search functionality with additional parameters like a country region or postal code. Using this approach, you can build a custom search panel to get additional search results from the Search services.
Set the Map
To start searching for a location, call the BingSearchDataProvider.Search or OsmSearchDataProvider.Search method.
For example, an Application’s UI contains a text edit named “teKeywords” and a button named “btnSearch”. To start a search, click the Search button which calls the following Search method overload:
Private Sub Search_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
End Sub
#Search Results
To get the search results, handle the BingSearchDataProvider.SearchCompleted or OsmSearchDataProvider.SearchCompleted event.
The SearchCompleted event handler arguments’ SearchCompletedEventArgs.RequestResult provides the SearchRequestResult descendant class instance to store Search results.
The results contain a display name, address, and the geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) associated with the search location.
<dxm:BingSearchDataProvider x:Name="searchDataProvider"
BingKey="{Binding Source={StaticResource bingMapsKey}}"
The search results for the “New York” keywords are shown in the image below.