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The Chart3D control supports interactivity. With chart interactivity enabled, end-users can rotate, move and scale the chart diagram. End-users may also track data point values using the Crosshair Cursor.


The following sections describe the end-user interactivity features of the Chart3D control.

Runtime Zooming, Moving and Rotation

To allow end-users to zoom, pan and rotate the diagram, set the following properties to true.

The following actions are supported by the Chart3D.

Action Effect
Press the keyboard arrow keys Shifts the chart in the direction specified by the keyboard arrow key.
Press “+” or “-“ key on the numeric keypad If an end-user presses “+” on the numeric keypad, the chart diagram zooms in. If an end-user presses “-“ on the numeric keypad, the chart diagram zooms out.
Drag the mouse pointer while holding down the left mouse button in the diagram Rotates chart in the same direction that the mouse pointer was moved.
Scroll the mouse wheel Zooms in and out of the chart diagram in the same manner as other Windows applications with end-user zoom settings.

Crosshair Cursor (Advanced Tooltip)

The Crosshair Cursor allows for the tracking of series point coordinates on a chart. It can also be used for comparing data from multiple graphs.

The Crosshair Cursor consists of the following elements: three lines indicating coordinates of a point in 3D space that is under the mouse cursor; labels of these lines showing coordinate values; and the series label containing arguments, a value and a marker of a series point, that is under the mouse cursor.


The following XAML demonstrates how to customize the Crosshair Cursor.

        <dxc:Crosshair3DOptions XArgumentLineBrush="#FF404040" 
                                ValueLineBrush="#FF404040" />
                <dxc:CrosshairAxisLabelOptions Pattern="{}{V:F1}" />
        <dxc:Series3D CrosshairLabelPattern="{}{X},{Y}: {V:F0}">
            <!--Other series options.-->

Use the following classes and members to configure the Crosshair Cursor.

Class or Member Description
Chart3DControl.CrosshairOptions Specifies common options of the Crosshair Cursor.
Crosshair3DOptions Defines common options of the Crosshair Cursor.
Series3DBase.CrosshairEnabled Specifies whether the Crosshair series label should be shown.
Series3DBase.CrosshairLabelPattern Specifies the series label text pattern.
Series3DBase.CrosshairLabelTemplate Specifies the template of the series label.
Axis3DBase.CrosshairAxisLabelOptions Specifies options of an axis label of the Crosshair Cursor.
Axis3DBase.CrosshairLabelTemplate Specifies the template of the axis label.
Chart3DControl.ShowCrosshair Programmatically invokes the Crosshair Cursor.