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TdxSortOption Enum

Enumerates sort operation setting flags in a memory-based dataset component.


TdxSortOption = (


Name Description

The TdxMemData component sorts data against all listed fields in descending order, except for fields followed by a colon and the 'A' or 'a' sort order syntax flag.

If the flag is omitted, the component sorts data in ascending order, except for listed fields followed by a colon and the 'D' or 'd' sort syntax flag.


The TdxMemData component ignores character case for sort operations against all fields listed in the SortedFields property value.

If this flag is omitted, sort operations are case-sensitive, except for those fields followed by a colon and the 'N' or 'n' sort syntax flag.


The TdxSortOption type enumerates flags that correspond to individual sort operation settings in a TdxMemData component. The TdxCustomMemData.SortOptions property can include any number of TdxSortOption flags in any combination.

Direct TdxSortOption Type Reference

The TdxSortOptions type references the TdxSortOption type.

See Also